Judging by his use of English in his review response above, he is not English and perhaps not English mother tongue. Just an observation from an English person …
I thought dog lick was meant to be anti bacterial? Mine always wants to kiss any cuts better.
Nope, absolutely not.
That’s a grim article!
As another English person, I agree, And as an English person who has travelled to foreign-speaking countries extensively- and lived away from the UK for many years, I’ve also found that many accents are regarded as ‘English’ but aren’t at all.
My mum’s friend has a Labrador who looks like butter wouldn’t melt. They live in the New Forest (the one where King William was killed). The Labrador ran off and rolled in a bloated badger who had been dead for a while. She had to take the dog home in the car. Mine would roll in fox poo if I didn’t call her off. Dogs can be disgusting.
Yes they are pretty international institutions.
The problem with this fellow is that he is a hot shot who is used to being deferred to. It is so outside of his experience that anyone would think less of him than he thinks of himself that he just had a knee-jerk reaction. If anyone wants to judge his accent there are youtube videos of him speaking on his specialty: obesity.
Meanwhile @HH_AZ you should delete your post that includes the identifying information as this forum’s results show up in internet searches.
Ähm, pretty all those that have read a few threads on this forum know that their handling of discrimination claims is a bag of many unknowns and all it takes is ONE unhappy guest to bring down the wrath …
So, dear HH_AZ: your point is valid!
I still consider you very lucky and what probably saved your Airbnb future and income stream was that the discrimination claim was clearly retaliatory and I speculate, not mentioned in the ‘let Airbnb know any issues’ part of the reveiw.
This host wasn’t so lucky: Thrown off for absurd violation?
Update from us. Reinstated after a year suspension. We updated our house rules to protect us more. No parties. 4 people. Can sleep here for a two bedroom. Can have 8 people here no more. etc etc. Any guest can fabricate lies and get you into deep problems. Take photos. Try to converse only on the extranet because whatsapp they dont really let you use that evidence as a host. A guest yes. Just remember we all running a buisness here. They sometimes dont understand it.