Whoa! Stats now shows what every guest left as an overall rating!

Thanks and good to know! I do have in my listing for people to let me know any special requests 2 days prior, like gluten free or soy etc. I guess I am worried if I ask them they will say, yes a nice korma curry thanks and I’ll be like arrrgh either having to say this is not quite what I meant or stay up all night making one they may not like. For the Asian guests, I just add noodles and some sweet rice treats in their fridge and they are happy.

Just say that here’s a list of stuff - will that work for you? If you want, add a disclaimer saying that you don’t/can’t cook. Actually, in many places, that’s illegal anyway, without a suitable license.

Pardon me for bringing up the subject if it’s already been discussed. Since you’re not home, how can you take credit for the drop in ratings? You seem so skilled and intuitive about hosting that I’m sure those ratings would be way higher if you were there to oversee it all.

Don’t tell me they were from the Middle East. :)))

Hehe no :slight_smile: can’t actually remember where they were from just remember the mud they kept tracking into the flat :frowning:

Makes you wonder what their home looks like.

The drop in ratings happened while I was home, during some extensive building / maintenance work in the complex. I haven’t exactly been hosting while I’ve been away (well I have but one guest for the entire time…)

Since the building work finished ratings went back up.

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I can only see the new ‘Stats’ page on one of our accounts and not on the other :cry:

The account that I started in 2009 based in SF shows the new Stats page, but out active account started in Barcelona does not show the new Stats page. I wonder if it has something to do with Barcelona specifically, it seems similar to the issue I have with not being able to achieve Super Host bc the program is not active in Barcelona. WAH WAH.

I am in Boston and still can’t see the individual guest stars yet. I keep checking.


You looked on the stats page right? It’s not,on your public review page.

Yes. I looked on the STATS page as posted here. Not there.

Yup, me too. Not there :cry:

Best not to see it. Rather depressing and more slaps in the face by guests you thought you LOVED! :frowning: