Surprised who my most difficult guests are!

I bought one, it’s a static shock. Like static electricity at your home. I don’t know if its the same one CM recommended. I just couldn’t bear to put it on my Coco. I need to re-sell it so if anyone wants one, let me know. LOL. There are some other ones I think are purely sonic but don’t know how effective they are. I know one dog host bought one that mounts outdoors and emits some sort of sound only dogs can hear that is supposed to deter barking. Again, I can’t vouch for their efficacy. I use a squirt bottle to quiet a dog that’s barking here.

LMAO, K9, you are really on a roll lately, cracking me up. Yes indeed. Maybe you should go to Costco like our kindergarten mums do and buy the classroom size animal crackers .bawhahahahahahahahahahahahaahah.

If he’s been quiet and doesn’t run in line at recess, he gets four. Use bathroom, get water and sit crisis cross applesauce for your animal crackers. :yum:

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OMG too funny! Those parrots can literally drive one insane! For several months there was a huge one in a cage on a 2nd floor balcony of a building about a 1/2 block away. It was horrific. For years the apartment building was owned by a guy who rented to college kids. He didn’t care about anything so it was one big Animal House. It’s changed now and is managed by a property company like they all are now. “No Pets” says the latest sign.

Having an HOA does have its benefits for sure! Our place in Palm Desert is similar. Used to be very few pets but over the years it’s become a zoo, but the HOA does stick to the rules and it’s been a learning curve for many who have off leash dogs, don’t pick up poops and, the worst, they used to put them on a leash tied to a stake in the common areas.

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I think I’ll leave the washer/dryer access for now. I’ll cool off and give it a rethink later.

He’s gone. Just walked out. Phew. He was bugging me. I’ve got do it yourself oatmeal, protein bars, fruit. He ate a banana.

Tooooo funny! And these ants are also driving me nuts. They are so persistent. I’ve got them herded away some areas using borax/honey/sugar. I bought some ant traps that aren’t working at all. I’m going to Lowes now to get some Terro Ant Bait Traps that are supposed to work. My place is super clean. No crumbs anywhere, but they still persist.

ANT UPDATE: I put 3 of them down and the ants are going berserk! Looks like an ant version of rush hour on the San Diego freeway near LAX.

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No no… The static ones are considered cruel. This one is strictly a vibration, a buzz. They don’t affiliate that signal with you at all. It worked so well it cured Eddie of his barking altogether.


I was actually quite annoyed reading your endless post describing how rich you are that you are renting hign end properties and spend ridicilous amount of money for acomodation. I can not even get what are you trying to say? That you are better than everyone here?


Princeton, NJ
Post must be …

Must be a lovely area.

I recorded this piece for my official HOA complaint. The first part of it was recorded from INSIDE my house; the second was recorded outside as my boys and I were working on our garden. You can hear how frustrated all of us got with this POS bird.

Confess my son and I would lose it toward the end and scream, SHUT THAT BIRD UP!!! My normally quiet and calm son even added an Fn when it woke him again from a nap because you never knew when it will go off.

ENJOY! Thank god the horrible people and their horrible bird moved away. Have to wonder if their new neighbors are loving it!

There’s a family two doors down with 3 pre-teen kids, two unregistered, often off leash dogs and one or two Macaws. Multiple junky vehicles. I’m sure they are renting and I pray they move soon.


I would be so curious to see the listings of the U.S. rentals for over $200 a night, and the European one for $475 a night/for 18 days - and they don’t have enough cultery for just you and your husband.

Did any of these places advertise English channels or were you disappointed because you felt they should accommodate Americans?

You complain about making the bed in Switzerland. Do you realize that certain regions in America - it is not standard to even supply bed linens? Guests are expected to bring their own from home.

No coffee or toiletries in some of your Airbnb rentals?? Well did the host advertise those items? Many places are self-catering, and you are expected to bring your own supplies.

You don’t want “old, shabby, mismatched, and funky” - OK…I get the shabby part. But there is nothing wrong with mismatched and funky. People who need everything to match scare me!!


In the interior design world, we call that “matchy-matchy”, which is so boring. What makes design (of any kind) interesting is the tension (thus interest) in combining dissimilar items, finishes, furnishings, color in a way that works. It isn’t easy to pull off but it is so much better than going down to the local huge furniture store and picking out a set of matchy-matchy furniture!

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Completely agree. It’s the “matchy matchy” that is such a turn off. I “blend” everything. I have a knack for being able to use high end items, next to cheap thrift store stuff. Or make different patterns blend.

My Mexican tiled mirror somehow just goes with the plaid, deer shower curtain in the log cabin bathroom…lol.

And the grandma knitted crochet pictures in dollar store frames, just somehow hang beautifully next to the high end mahogany bed…ha!


I’m my place, I contrasted the modern cabinets and tiling with dark rustic wood floors (which also makes the ceilings look taller) and I have a lot of modern furniture but one antique Chinese table that I use as the coffee table. All of my knick-knacks are from thrift stores, including the Italian mid-century bottles in the kitchen. I’m a thrift-store and auction junkie :slight_smile:

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Oh how absolutely dreadful! Appliance instructions in German! No English-speaking TV! Now that’s what I call roughing it.

Totally pathetic. Stay at an American chain hotel next time. Some people just aren’t cut out for travel.


There are tourists, travelers, and adventures. I’m putting her in the first category. Besides, when you go to Switzerland (or anywhere, really), isn’t the whole point seeing the sights, meeting new people, eating new food (and for Switzerland – I ate a lot of chocolate!)?

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Oh jeez thanks for sharing the bird sound track! OMG that was horrible beyond belief! I do not get it that people would think everyone else would want to hear that all day and night. I felt bad this morning because I did use the F word under my breath when a neighbor across the street came out–with her 5 year trailing behind her. I don’t think heard me clearly but he did see my anger. I explained to him why I was angry and said I’m sorry.

Yes, it is nice to have that one bird gone and Tula’s screeching dog(s) are still barking, but not constant. I also didn’t mention another neighbor even closer to me. They just got a new dog that’s in a cage in their side yard. It yelps, cries, barks on and off all day, especially when they take off to who knows where–sometimes for the weekend. Tula is nuts, but these people make her look normal. They don’t talk to me, never have, and they ignore their darling new neighbors right next door. Ugh. That’s enough of my sad tale.

I’m holed up in my bedroom with the blinds down and AC on, crocheting. It’s pretty quiet :)))

If only pet owners were all so considerate. Good for you.

I really think Karol is just yanking our collective chain. Could anyone really be so…so…lame?

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