You're bored and want to help me with my review

Can you just block all the dates on your calendar until spring?

I am fascinated by this person. They are in New York City; a place with an infinite number of things to do and see. And yet, he never left? He arrived at 12:45 and was still there at 5:15? What a waste of a full day.

To be honest, is he a have or have not seems like a strange question to be asking. How does that matter? I probably would have smiled and said something along the lines of “We are about to have our family dinner. I need you to move to another location.” But 20/20 hindsight is always easier than being faced with a new challenge without warning.

It truly does seem that he was unaccustomed to managing for himself. Otherwise, he would have been off to see a play, hear a jazz band in a club, visit the Cloisters, spending time at one of those trendy Brooklyn chocolate makers, or just getting some authentic pizza.

It was nice of you to feed him. Your small mitzvah of the week.


I got the snooze option to work, finally. The porch is snoozed until the end of March, the private room until the end of January. I have never gotten a booking between dec 1-20 or January 3-31, but I wanted the assurance that no dates would magically become unblocked. (Which is how we have guests over Thanksgiving. Luckily, I had at least raised our regular price by a bit, in case such a thing happened. They’ve already said “we don’t yet know where we’re spending Thanksgiving” and all I said was “there are great restaurants around here that put out lavish dinners, you should try to book early as they sell out”… though I caved a little and said they were welcome to share dessert and drinks with us in the evening… but warned them we’d be in our jammies. My sister works retail, so we’re super casual the day before Black Friday.

Hoping if i get them drunk on homemade raspberry gin they won’t see the dust. :wink:


I’ve sought Martha’s advice for you…must haves for your Xmas stocking :wink:

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Perfect! I’ll just forward this to my husband… forget chocolate, honey, I need a feather duster in my stocking! :rofl:

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I think @Alia_Gee’s point is that “more” privileged people from some cultures can be “more” helpless. Think “young and clueless”.

Actually, I can personally attest to that. I kind of fit that mold myself when I was younger. (Some) details available on request, though I don’t particularly want to dredge up details of my younger self for public entertainment.


All ears and eyes - we could do a “share our most embarrassing unaware moment” :slight_smile:

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I’m not sure if that is a request for “clueless moments” or not. Though in my case, it would be “clueless months” or perhaps “clueless years”.


You are not alone ( @faheem ). Many of us have portions of our lives which we might categorize as being clueless…not in general but at certain moments or time frames. For me, being clueless was due to being young(er) or inexperienced or rebellious or obtuse as to how it affected others.

I just remind myself that we aren’t born with all the knowledge necessary to handle every situation correctly and we also cannot change the past. I try not to revisit those periods of time…except for the hilarious ones.


He arrived 2 hours earlier, you offered him a dinner and he told you that there were dust in the room? I know this type of guests, they are the worst. They are very lazy,they like doing nothing all day, but than expect all people around them work very hard in order to please them. He really didn’t deserve your hospitality.