You know you are an Airbnb host when

You haunt the thrift shops for cookware, because the beautiful set you started with is ruined!


“When your home toilet paper supply consists of almost used up rolls from the airbnb”

Guilty as charged!!!


Hehehehe …that’s very true …not only friends . I set up Airbnbs in Morrocco, Italy, Kenya and Uganda for people i met on my travels . All of them are doing well .

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@Keugenia, I resemble that statement!

You’re always checking your phone in case you miss an instant booking


And partial sticks of butter!


When an absolute stranger drives up and you have to double confirm they don’t have a reservation.


When you find (to purchase) the 1/2 lb of butter wrapped in 4 nice pieces!!

I was just going to add that one! And the almost-empty bottles of handwash.

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@Brian_R170 - you posted the forum as a link and two people are showing as having clicked on it. Too funny!

Now I’m tempted to … What if it really goes somewhere else? Oooh, the suspense! :grin:


Volunteering at your local animal shelter looks oddly like home … Because all the dog bed blankets and towels are the old ones from your home.


It’s the slow season and the competing listing a couple of blocks away gets some dings in their latest review and you feel a little more secure … until … they slash all of their prices for the next 6 weeks :woman_facepalming:


I just made it 3! Lol

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When you are a guest with a new AirBnB host and you tell them that they need more hooks and towel bars in the bathroom, more electrical outlets that guests can actually reach, that every guest room MUST have a wastebasket, and that trying to do business on your laptop on the bed instead of a desk is really not working… (all to hosts in the past 3 weeks). I’ll give a report on WA/OR Air stays when I return home in about a week.


Interesting that @jaquo also reported staying in an unsatisfactory Airbnb recently. And when we see all the hosts who post things here like it’s not necessary to wash everything or they had no idea that accessible outlets on each side of the bed are practically mandatory, it’s not surprising to me that so many Airbnbs (even 5 star rated) aren’t very good.


This one is really on you as a guest. If you need a desk for your laptop you should make sure to rent a room with a desk , ) Are you the dreaded superhost guest? Benevolent at least, I hope.


It could be. Or it could be they have pictures that don’t match the listing. @jaquo reported that she stayed at a place recently that didn’t look like the pictures. And we’ve seen many times that a host will post their listing asking for help and then when we comment on the pictures they will admit the pictures are 4 years old and the listing looks different now. I’ve put new pictures each time I change something. I’ve even got pics of different duvet covers and disclose that they bed may look different than pictured due to rotation of bed covers.

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Funnily enough, that was one of the very things that was disappointing about the rental that @KKC mentioned that I stayed in recently. On the photographs there was a desk, as plain as day. Desk and chair.

And yes, I planned to work there.

But in reality the desk was no longer there. It was pointless asking the host to rectify this because the place simply wasn’t big enough to add a desk (which presumably was why it was taken out?) But it might be me, but I can’t work satisfactorily on the laptop perched on the bed. It’s not just typing and clicking - for design work I need mouse-agility and that’s not going to happen on a bed.

And there was no other surface to make a temporary desk, not even a coffee table.


Well, yeah, that is obviously just w.r.o.n.g. I’m shocked that people pull that kind of thing.

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Not only that, also that they think they’ll get away with it forever. Either that or they just don’t care.

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