Writing reviews without sounding whiney

I just sound like a whiney host.

Guest made a last minute booking.
Said they’d arrive between 5-7pm
At 6.20 said they’d arrive closer to 9pm.
Upon arrival messaged several times regarding check-in procedure.
Left at 7.15am but didn’t text to tell me till 8.30 (I’d already been in the apartment to check it was fine and lock up)
Said there was no hot water or coffee. There is hot water you just have to wait a minute for it and no I don’t provide coffee as I advertise as a self catering apartment and most of my guests stay 3-7 days. (They grocery shop etc)
All their minor issues could have been avoided if only they’d read the listing, the pre-check in email I send, the multiple replies to her text etc etc.
it’s just all minor stuff ugh. Maybe I’m tired. I have a 5 day booking arriving today phew.

i think you need to take a breath here as you’re sounding like you’re verging on burnt out. A major part of the process of STR is dealing with precisely these types of minor issues. They are not exceptional. Guests don’t read. Check-in can be a real hassle if you don’t have a lock-box, etc. None of the things you mention are really worth mentioning – she wasn’t an ideal guest but certainly not a bad one either.


"Guest didn’t read the listing , and was poor at communications. Not a bad guest, just not very aware of AirBnb protocols. "


I acknowledge what you’ve said… I just went back to work full time… Thank you.

Sounds good, thankyou. I’ll take a couple more days to write a review, there’s no great rush I guess.


Always a good idea to wait on the review if you’re tired or having a “phew!” day.


Yeah, whiney. Why don’t you leave some coffee and tea for guests, by the way? I’m a very easygoing and tolerant guest but if I arrived late at your place and couldn’t even make a cup of coffee in the morning (instant would do), I wouldn’t be impressed. Unless you have a super bare listing at rock-bottom prices, put a feckin jar of coffee and some teabags out. In fact, do that even if you’re the lowest of the low.