'Worst Airbnb horror stories'

Just came across this. I dunno, I think all these people brought it on themselves to be honest. And I’m sure we hear much worse on the forum!

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Hehe, I was just about to share this too after coming across it on Facey ! Hardly the best publicity for our trade but nevertheless, terribly amusing :joy:

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Having read them all I agree. Don’t stay at the cheapest share home you can find and expect to be the only guest and Shangri La style service and Accommodations. Why wouldn’t you have a shower and buy new clothes if you were covered in
Feaces ??? And the hosts who gave guests candles or took no action when an illegal brothel was reported- no sympathy.

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I completely agree. Why is Airbnb seemingly the only product/service where people constantly say that they paid well below market value; then they complain that they didn’t get an above market value experience? If I pay $2.99 for champagne, I’m well aware that it’s not going to be Dom Perignon.