Why do we host and what we got from hosting? Survey of a desperate student trying to do a good job in her master thesis

Dear all,
I’m sure that you’ve all had nice experiences Airbnb.
BUT are you confused that why there exists for-profit and non-profit platforms (like Couchsurfing) together? How do you think of them? Do you use them differently? That’s what I’m interested in too!
Here’s a survey that I designed for my master thesis that may help you find out! Even if you don’t use Couchsurfing, your opinion is also precious!

Here’s the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fn8DIK0uEZKa2hvWqrwzpvwxpCkYJlOQLUmxxMQzl60/viewform?usp=send_form

Promise that the survey will be fun, so please do ! (and invite others!) I’m a user, a potential host and also a desperate student. I’ve not had many responses so far, especially Airbnb users, because we lack online communities! While helping me with a few minutes, you may understand your behavior better! That’s exactly the spirit of sharing, right? I’d like to share my further findings with you and listen to you stories in detail.

About me: I’m fascinated by the new form of sharing economy. I’m active on several platforms, including Airbnb, Couchsurfing, Quora, Coursera, etc.
Thanks to my master program and my supervisor, I can now explore more in an academic way, and I’d like to continue. Maybe for a doctor degree! :smile: