Why did you increase your price?

I just reached superhost status and Airbnb’s nightly price tip jumped up a bit. When I raised it to match the price tip (it’s quite a bit higher than Everbook’s price suggestion) I never got that message.

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I don’t know why you don’t consider yourself to be an independent contractor of Airbnb or what you consider yourself to be. According to the IRS guidelines hosts are independent contractors. We decide what hours we work, set our own prices, provide the workplace and the tools, control the services we provide, etc.

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I think you only get it if you use Smart Pricing.

The reason I don’t consider myself to be an independent contractor of Airbnb is because they do not “hire” me to do a job. I consider them to be like E-bay where they just are an advertising platform (bringing buyer and seller together).

Except at certain levels, you get a 1099 from them?

Although I still believe we are independent contractors providing a service; the 1099 that Airbnb sends is the kind that is a 1099-K which is the kind that is send to credit card processors. If it was a 1099-MISC they would be obligated to send one to anyone to whom they paid over $600.00 in the year.


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