What to do with my listing when I'm on vacation?

Why don’t you just get a cheap local phone and sim then and use it where there is a free wifi service ie most cafes, hotel, tourist spots, restaurants, bars.

Unless you are going completely off the beaten track or up into the mountains you won’t have a problem with a signal in most places.

My goal is to not have to worry about it at all, but i think the $5/day from my own carrier for the days I won’t have WiFi is probably the best solution. I don’t expect it will be more than 6 days.

From experience, I think you are dreaming to expect internet access everywhere you go in the EU, additionally the EU has zones so your phone carrier plan won’t cross over.

I thought that in Croatia the “wee fee” is the charge some local troll charges you for permission to walk along a public path. They seem to be everywhere.

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I manage it remotely and have my housekeeper do everything else. I just stock up on wine, chocolates, tp and laundry detergent and let her handle the rest. I’ve always got one person who doesnt want to do it full time, but will do it on a whim if she can’t. I was in Europe last week and my housekeeper got rear ended on her way to my place, so I called my backup friend. Find 2 people you trust and everything will work out.

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Hi Brian
I have been through this as well. I took off instant book and blocked the dates I was away and it all went well. Regarding prompt replies to enquiries. I think as long as you answer within 24 hours its still ok. Enjoy your trip

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The vacation has begun. As bad luck would have it, I had boarded the flight from the US to Germany when I got a message from Airbnb just as the flight crew told everyone to put all devices in airplane mode. I tried to reply but lost service as the plane was taxiing. It was not an inquiry or reservation request but an instant booking from a local with a message that says “We would like to do family reunion at your place”. Parties and events are prohibited, so I asked some questions 11 hours later when I could connect again in Munich. It’s been 11 more hours and no response from the guest, but It’s still before noon at home.

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First thing I do when we are both incommunicado for any length of time is to switch off IB for Airbnb and HA. Only BDC guests can IB.

Am I being over cautious? Probably. But it works for us.



Seems to be the logical to do @JohnF if you are aren’t going to be available to manage your listing and don’t have a co-host to pick up the slack.

This Instant Booking is for Aug 9. I have all dates blocked from Jun 28 through Aug 4. I definitely want instant book on since I’m expecting bookings for October stays to start now.

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You can buy an Orange 20 GB data sim on Amazon for $50. Stick it in a portable hotspot and you can surf and talk like crazy. I only rent my house when away, but ended up earning about $1,500 while traveling in April and May. I had a cleaner working with me though.


I would settle for one! You are very lucky/blessed.