When I first started ABB (only 3 yrs ago), I had many guests that did not leave reviews, I would say out of 5 guests, only 2 would leave reviews, but now, I am getting reviews from every single guest.
PS–I know this was a topic way in November of 2015, I feel it’s worth revisiting.
It’s the opposite for me and i’ve been hosting for a year
Interesting how things differ!
This year I believe 100% of my guests left reviews. I would say that after five years of hosting I have only had a couple guests not review me. Again, I’m in a rural vacation area, I rent my whole house and it is mostly a weekend thing except for the high summer season.
Four years of hosting (not during winter), and so far of 72 bookings we had 70 reviews. We live in a rural place.
I get about 70% that leave a review, and if they do they are always outrageously positive, yet still 30% do not. Fortunately, anyone looking at my listing always sees a recent and most positive one so that works out perfectly.
6 guests, 100% review
Just did my maths, so 80% of guests have the past year have written a reviews. I’ve also just noticed that not all guests leave star ratings eg. 49 people have left an over all review but only 47 have left a location review.
I’m hopeless at maths but 35 guests this year, four didn’t review.
LoL jaquo… 4/35 = 11% - 100% = 89% reviewed.
Thank you @Mearns - that sort of maths is completely beyond me, even when I use a calculator!
I’ve been open six years, have had hundreds of guests but only 83 reviews. Just prefer no more reviews at this point, even though they are all good and positive … The review process stresses me out!
It’s the male brain, jaquo.