What i hate most about airbnb

This might be unusual; but WHAT I REALLY HATE ABOUT THIS BUSINESS IS THE MESS! What I mean is that when I have to “flip” the room; the mess tends to overflow into my house.,even though my airbnb rental is a separate room next door.I have laundry on my kitchen island, dirty dishes in kitchen, cleaning supplies everywhere…trash…suddenly my neat house looks chaotic and then sometimes it kindof stays that way for a couple days…also I have one bedroom that is loaded with all the extra supplies and linen;my daughter has to cut a path to the bed when she visits me…


You’re the one leaving the mess! Our rental is a cabana along side the house. We have two plastic totes in the daughter’s bedroom with all the needed change outs.

I know the feeling about overflow. I deal with it as well! My car (Smart car, so very tiny) is always packed to the brim with extra toilet paper, paper towel rolls, coffee, boxes of tea bags, towels, vacuum parts, etc. If I’m bogged down and have to do extra laundry at home, then my living room becomes a sea of blue Ikea bags with sheets and towels in various stage of laundering.

Of course, it’s our own doing, but it’s still frustrating and I feel your pain!

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I have a lot of necessary supplies that would not fit in 2 totes. Granola, coffee, little creamers, kitchen towels, paper towels, shampoos etc take up a lot of room.

I would hate to pack my car;I am glad the guest house is just next door…3 feet away!I have plans to become more organized.Sometimes I am in such a mad rush with same day flips; and I also work fulltime so this is just an extra sideline business, even though sometimes I make more on airbnb than my job…

We installed a locked cupboard in our rental (one Ikea Pax 50cm unit, we fitted a small furniture lock on the door), it contains all the necessary supplies (cleaning products, toiletries, a small toolbox, touch-up paint, light bulbs, batteries, toilet paper, coffee, tea, drinks, replacement glasses and plates, towels/linens for the next guests).

Laundry does overflow in my own home though.


I’m so busy keeping the studio spotless my own house has three layers of dust at all times on all surfaces. :frowning:


haha that is SO true! My guesthouse is spotless also! Because good reviews matter…but my own house…not so much. I do clean the windows they can see BUT in the back of the house they havent been deepcleaned for 4 years. I would be a nervous wreck hosting INSIDE my house because i could never keep it as clean as the separate guesthouse.(especially with 2 dogs!)

I hate that the unit is always clean and I’m too exhausted to clean my own house :stuck_out_tongue:



Because my AirBNB rooms are within my home, I now MUST keep my entire house clean. Top to bottom, no matter how I feel. I have never lived in such a clean and non-cluttered house. Somedays I like it. Other days cleaning that kitchen AGAIN seems like too much.

But then I do as @konacoconutz has suggested and look at the AirBNB bank account and the 100% 5-stars for cleanliness.


Cleaning is not my favourite job… but on a weeks rent and I own the house I tell myself I am the most expensive house maid in town at $25o an hour - so for that money I do an AMAZING job! It’s all about the mindset

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I’ve always had a guest room, a hall bath and (so I’d been told) a really clean house. Airbnbing it was a way to monetize what I already had. But after 2 years of having to clean several times a week it was getting old, particularly with my dusty environment and multiple dogs. The best part of making a separate entrance was no more 4 star reviews on cleanliness.

The cleaning is burdensome - it goes beyond cleaning for one’s family. I have relaxed my standards a little bit, but I still get very good marks and reviews on cleanliness. The room and bathroom are always spotless, however.

It is work, no doubt. But for me, earning $42 a night is worth it for usually less than an hour of work each day. I have earned up to $1,000 in a month, and during the busy season, will likely have guests nearly every day, so I could earn about $1260. That’s pretty good for me.

I totally understand though, because it can be a pain. But look on the bright side, right?!

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We put a lock on one of the closets in the guest apartment. That’s where we store all the cleaning supplies and extra snacks, towels, toiletries, sheets, etc. Then, we cut a hole in the back of that closet and put in another door to connect it to the rest of our house. (Our private apartment has to have an interior door connected to the rest of our house to make it a legal homestay in our area anyway.) Now, we can do all the laundry and easily put it away even while the guests are here.


Oh, I had a china cabinet like that once!!! You filled near the dishwasher, and the dishes were already there when you set the table in the dining room. Strangely, this was also in NC… other side of the state.

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We don’t mind cleaning. It’s the only ‘work’ really involved. But then again we only rent out the guest room (with ensuite) so total cleaning time is no more than an hour (usually half that). Can totally understand how you’d get fed up cleaning a much bigger space with more stuff involved!

This is what we do too. Everything is in there to prepare for the next guests. Over the years, hosts find ways to be organised and develop great shortcuts.

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I have two apartments in my house, and one big closet in the connecting hallway. I have all the extra towels and supplies.

Yes, my part of the house (kitchen, my living room, and dining room), which guests pass through to go to the shared kitchen, for the most part, is laundry central. There is either laundry in the washer, dryer, racks, or in a hamper.

I came back early from a trip because the dryer wasn’t working properly. So I came back to almost 10 loads of laundry.

I of course do a lot of laundry; but the best investment I ever made was to install 2 washers and 2 dryers! I can do laundry quickly! Also, if one breaks down, no problem I have a backup and dont have to haul my 25 loads a week to the laundromat! The problem with one set is that if one breaks it could take 2 weeks to get it fixed;I cant stand inefficiency. I put in the 2 washers and 2 dryers 5 yrs ago BEFORE the airbnb and soooo happy I did!

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25 loads of washing ??? For one appartment ??? Damn.

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