What do I have to do to stay "updated"?

I’m under the impression that one of the metrics for the ranking algorithm is how recently your listing is “updated”. On VRBO, “updated” is defined as updating the calendar, and you can just click the “calendar is up-to-date” icon and you are “updated”.

But on AirBnB, my listing shows as updated the last time I changed the wording of the listing. I don’t want to mess with that every day or two, so what can I do to stay “updated”?

I think that is an unknown.
I was updated today because a review came in.
Otherwise I noticed I was not updated, even though I made some tweaks.
There is no way to click a calendar…so bookings and inquiries keep it updated

Where do you see on Airbnb that you’re UPDATED?

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I noticed for my listing just moving my pictures around, checking my calendar and “opening” blocked dates then re-blocking, and sharing the listing moved me up in “turn”. I have noticed one particular listing that has been in the number one spot since I began hosting. I don’t understand why that is…since June! I’m thinking this particular host knows all the tricks?!

@Oded - on the “Your Listings” page (“Last updated on December 24, 2017”). That was the day I updated some words on the listing.

Which section did you update?

I thought it was when I updated something in the listing, but I was wrong. Checking the emails from AirBnB, on the 24th, we received a review.

I just updated something in the “About this listing” section, and now it shows today as “last updated”.

I think it is random and sporadic.

I just got a review last night (before this thread) AND I made a change in my text and it doesn’t show it. I even got the updated text email from them… no show :frowning:

It’s weird but it seems that whenever we look at our listing for any length of time, we get an inquiry or ib that same day.

Like Romeoretreat I have found the same thing, if I change something a booking seems to follow quite soon. Normally I Change blocked days or the rate but not sure what else does it. This seems to be rather odd but I suppose the system tries to offer new or updated initially to encourage new hosts or to advertise new deals maybe.

People have speculated that leaving the Airbnb window open after check your listing/calendar/review/whatever helps. Airbnb denies it.

What is indisputable is that more active hosts with more bookings and more reviews move up in search which in turn results in more bookings.

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I used to be able to “update” with a change in price, but I noticed today that didn’t work. So I editing the wording in the list and resaved. That did it. I think anytime you change the calendar, either pricing or availability, it should show that the listing was updated that day.

There are two different “updated” situation for an Airbnb listing.

First one is the one you mentioned, which you see on Your Listings page. This is the last edit date of the listing itself. A description, order of photos, or adding new amenities would change this date. This date is not visible to guests and according to the last blog post from Airbnb, it does not have any effects on search ranking results.

The other one is super important. It shows when your calendar was updated last time and it is clearly known that Airbnb’s algorithm likes updated calendars and gives them priority in search results. This metric is shown to the guests when they choose dates on your listing.


You can simply update it by blocking a random date on your calendar and making it available again. There are many hosts who do it daily to climb to the top of the search results.

@erincerinc -
I keep my VRBO calendar updated daily and my AirBnB calendar syncs to that. Does that keep my AirBnB calendar “up to date”?

I have blocked and unblocked and blocked and blocked and it still does not show as updated. I use a laptop. I think this is the reason. I suggest the phone ap and not a computer may make a difference.

Here is a little gem I stumbled across on the AirBnB subreddit. The post was titled “Ranking of listing factors corellating to search results page on Airbnb” I’m not sure how accurate it is or who made it.

Here’s the link to the post https://www.reddit.com/r/AirBnB/comments/6113kx/ranking_of_listing_factors_correlating_to_search/?st=JC5TSKZA&sh=639a6a7f

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Further down the thread it reads…

This is amazing. Must have been a lot of work. I read the whole report. Before this chart becomes gospel in the Airbnb community, people should keep in mind that it only analyzed properties that accommodated 6+ people in certain neighborhoods of Cape Town, South Africa. I would love to see it for different cities, or even the same city but analyzing results for, say, 2 guests. (I’m not asking the OP to do that work, just saying I’d love to see it!) :slight_smile:

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This has previously been posted here.

We have discussed search ranking here as well.


I was advised, after enquiring about the apparent bon visibility of my listing, that the results are random. I am doubtful.