Weird sexual goings ons

I’ve had worse holidays than that.
Admittedly, not with Airbnb

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Why are you addressing this to me in particular @EllenN do you not think as a BAME (black ethnic minority) mother of a blue eyed, white looking child that I know this :frowning:

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Because you said, “I suggested if they had concerns about guests accompanying children who they were not related to, it is fine to ask them how they are connected. And if the hosts then had concerns/weren’t satisfied with the explanation they could look at contacting a child protection charity or social services etc for advice.”

How would you feel if someone asked you for an explanation of your relationship to your children because you don’t appear to be the same ethnicity, then called Department of Children’s Services because they weren’t satisfied with your explanation. Bear in mind that at least in the U.S. this could result in your children being taken away from you.

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I have often been asked about my relationship with my child @EllenN because we don’t appear to be related. But never when we have been travelling.

The majority of people travelling with their children, mention that they are doing so. As do I.

It’s extremely unlikely that I would be reported to Child Services as it’s very clear we are mother and son. And if we did I could easily proof my relationship, so he wouldn’t be at risk of being taken away. Child Services, if they decide to intervene at all, don’t just remove children on a whim and any parents travelling with their children would easily be able to prove that they are related.

However, as parent can easily proof their relationship with their child, the reality is a host will have concerns assuaged and Child Services or other authorities wouldn’t ever be involved.

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The original poster’s guest did mention that she was traveling with her child. The original poster didn’t believe her.

In the U.S. the Department of Child Protective Services does remove children from their parents for reasons that I perceive as on a whim. Here is a link to an article about children who were in police custody because their parents let them walk to the park alone.

Here is a story about a woman who left her child in a car for about five minutes and was investigated by Child Protective Services.

Here is a story about a parent who was investigated by Child Protective Services for making his child walk home from school.

Here’s a New Yorker article about parents having their children taken away from them for infractions that should have warranted nothing more than assistance and parenting classes.


the leap to DNA tests: I was exaggerating to make a point, but I suspect you knew that. I was obviously not directly referring to the OP, just taking things to an illogical conclusion, to illustrate what I saw as absurd, showing what a tricky path some people were happy to gallop down. Create as many straw men as you like, you knew what I meant.

These stories are absolutely nothing to do with the subject we are discussing here ie about what hosts, who host around the world might do if they have child protection concerns.

None of these stories are about hosts who are concerned children travelling with adults on holidays maybe being sexually exploited.

Not quite sure why you felt the need to post them.


As a matter of policy I ask for IDs, permanent address, phone numbers and email of all guests staying here. So far everyone who has stayed here has provided those things. I recommend others do the same. If followed systematically, this would probably obviate some of the bad situations hosts have experienced, including, possibly, this one.

I’ve found that asking for more information is virtually always a net plus when dealing with the unknown. People doing bad things don’t like it if you ask questions, and will typically refuse to answer. And pretty much the worst thing that will happen is that people will think you are fussy, bureaucratic, and annoying.

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apart from anything, who has the time to research all this to make their point, then post???

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Browsing the topics list, looks like I’ve been missing a lot of fun stuff on this forum lately :wink:



You are missing the Spanking Thread. :star_struck::rofl::innocent:


Yes, things have really been hopping around here lately…hot and frigid (er, cold) with a sprinkling of kink thrown in - and it’s all Air-host related! … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: woo-hoo!.