You may wish to consider a mandatory liability release form. We have very strict language for use of our waterfront for our regular tenants - who do have access. We will never allow guest access (not interested in that liability regardless of waivers.

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I asked airbnb about liability release and they said they did not approve if it, but I have done so with direct booking . But i guess I will do so with all guests using waterfront. Thanks sooo much! All of you. This is so appreciated! Glad I found you people.

I would not ask them and certainly would not care about what some CS agent has to say about it. It is your property and liability, not theirs.

The only thing is that there probably should be something in your listing like, ā€œplease note that all booking guests will be required to sign a liability release for use of the waterfrontā€, etc. And check with your STR insurance company, of course.

No idea where you are - we are in the USA so we have to be very vigilant in such matters.

I have had several requests to ā€œsit by the pool with my friends/familyā€ or ā€œhost a party for my girlfriend/boyfriend/etcā€ and Iā€™ve always said no. I donā€™t want the liability.

My HR state ā€œat your own riskā€ and Iā€™m not babysitting.

Juniper, pine, pine juniperā€¦ :wink: there are more floral and citrus gins out there now. You might like them.