Vaccines required?

Only if they survive it…

Got two, fully vaccinated, family members down with the Delta variant. Both looking like they’ve turned the corner, but both have been quite ill.


I come from the same kind of stock although I removed myself from their orbits some time ago. Interestingly, many of “God’s plan” types head to the hospital when they can’t breathe and their O2 deprived systems start struggling. They ought to have the faith to tell the mountain to throw itself into the ocean but apparently none of those get the attention of the media.


Another pro-Covid bites the dust. Too bad for his wife and kids, but they’re probably better off without him. Hopefully she finds herself a smarter partner and stepdad.

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:joy: when you take some things to their logical conclusion, it becomes apparent how stupid they are….

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Sigh…here goes…and please keep in mind, despite being long it’s a plea for understanding and compassion. Not an attack on ANYONE.

Ran across this piece because it says so eloquently what I’ve been trying to compose in my head for a few days. So it’s not mine. However, my personal comments are at the end.

"For my friends and family who have recently gotten their CV shot or who know they will get one soon, AWESOME for you. I can see how relieved you are and I’m so glad that this option is available for you!

For my friends who aren’t sure they will get one just yet, or maybe ever, or already know that they never will, I want to throw some love and respect your way, too. I am happy that you have that choice. Medical freedom is important.

The wonderful thing about INFORMED CONSENT is that two people with the SAME INFORMATION can make two completely different choices and neither of them is right or wrong. That is what MEDICAL FREEDOM is and should be. Because each of them is DIFFERENT medically.


Doing the “right thing” means you’ve weighed the risks and benefits for yourself, and are making an informed decision! The only wrong decision IMO is made purely out of fear, social pressure/shaming or emotional reactivity. If you have researched your decision and are comfortable with it…great!

What’s right for one person may be wrong for the other, both on an intuitive and biological level. We’re all doing the best we can with the information we hopefully have spent time digging into.

Let this be a gentle reminder for all to please respect each other and be mindful of the message we put out there.

Is everyone “wrong” because they believe differently than you? They very likely have just as strong of a reason for their choice as you do. Everyone is not the same.

Reminder this information is also part of one’s personal health information and you have the right to not answer when asked whether you choose to get the shot or not.

So whether you choose:

A CV shot

A Tequila shot

Or not….

You’re okay in my books and I respect your decision…

You’re NOT ok in my book when you start being rude to others because they made a decision that was BEST for them"

. It is patently unfair and completely inaccurate to lump EVERYONE (who makes a decision different from you) together and put on them a negative label. You don’t know these people. You have no idea what their motives are or their biological differences or issues. ALL people who do not believe in masks are not ‘anti- maskers’. ALL people who chose to not have a vaccine are NOT ‘anti-vaxers’. In fact, the vast majority of them have children who WERE vaccinated against ALL the childhood diseases and more. I know several who won’t get the CV because of serious underlying neurological issues (which is a fact, a vaccine can cause irreparable harm in some) Please remember these things. And please note that MOST of those who do choose to do differently do NOT call others hateful, negative names, or insult their intelligence, especially on a normally friendly, caring public forum that is usually about helping each other. None of the people in my world would EVER do such a thing.
I am one of those people who has made a different choice than what is being voiced by the majority here, and I am so saddened and hurt by what I’ve read on the forum. I would NEVER even think of writing these things I’ve read about any of YOU! I’ve always appreciated the help and advice from fellow hosts. You all have been wonderful for that. I do NOT judge those who make different choices. I am not ‘uneducated’, or inconsiderate or selfish. I am a good person who chooses a different path from my own research. All parts of the country are NOT in the same situation. My rural area does not have the issues with this as other places. I do not hug and kiss my guests. OR any other stranger that I rarely come across. I clean stringently, I am careful, considerate, and TOLERANT. As are all the people in my circle and more. MY choices are MINE to live with (and please don’t try and try to lay the responsibility for others’ safety and health on me, wasted words.) I am striving for kindness in disagreement. KINDNESS! I have friends, dear friends on both sides of the aisle and we are fine with each other’s choices. Love folks…love…not nasty names or lumping folks together as a horrible, inhumane stereotype. It sadly labels you as intolerant. And if you can’t do justice to fairness and compassion, please, just say nothing at all. It’s a better way.

Division in this country is NOT something we need right now. THINK about what you are saying … love one another…. No matter what…. No matter what.

Blah blah. Of course people shouldn’t be physically attacking others, screaming at them, etc, over such things, but no one has the “freedom” to expose others to a deadly disease.

As far as I’m concerned, if someone chooses to ignore public health efforts to halt the spread of a deadly virus, they are free to do so. But they are not free to insist on their “freedom” to attend school, events, supermarkets, gyms, fitness classes, retaurants,or anywhere else public if their personal choice is not to get vaxed or wear a mask. The choices we make in life when we have the freedom to choose come with consequences. Recognizing and accepting that is called being an adult.

And I suggest you share your “kindness” screed with the anti-masker adults who have been physically attacking school children because their parents care enough about their children’s lives to send them to school with a mask. I don’t see or hear about pro-vaxers and pro-maskers doing such things to children who aren’t wearing masks.


Well, you certainly must live in a bubble world that doesn’t exist for most of us. What a fantasy…

I’m a very tolerant person, but my tolerance for the behavior of others ends where it threatens me or my community. After seeing outrageous threats to my local school board and city government because they require masks in public indoor spaces, and after seeing infantile rages from unmasked idiots at Costco door checkers, and as a person with health issues that make COVID exposure a death sentence for me, I have ABSOLUTELY ZERO TOLERANCE for anyone refusing vaccination or masking when it’s required.

I understand that some folks may have valid health reasons for not vaccinating, but anyone who doesn’t but refuses vaccination is putting everyone else in the community at risk. It’s time for us to stop this selfish behavior and think of PUBLIC HEALTH which affects everyone.

People like you either weren’t alive or have forgotten how scared everyone was of polio in the 50s, and how eager everyone was to be vaccinated, even kids like me with allergies (and my Salk polio booster did indeed set off an asthma attack, BUT I DIDN’T GET POLIO which, with my lungs, probably would have killed me).

I won’t tolerate selfish behavior that threatens public health, nor am I willing to spend my tax dollars providing ICU care for people that refuse to vaccinate when eligible. Those selfish people should be paying for their care with their own money. They are taking beds that are needed for trauma and heart attack patients, and for those that are vaccinated but had breakthrough infections caused by the unvaccinated.

And don’t get me going about the vile politicians spreading misinformation, or like our governor, refusing to mandate masks or tell citizens that everyone needs to vaccinate.

So asking for tolerance for those that threaten our lives, livelihoods, economy, and health is not going anywhere for me, and I suspect for many others here. I have no “love” to give for those that are trying to kill me and everyone else.


@shadowmnt I’m furious about people who are choosing to skip the vaccine based on intuition and disinformation that’s promoted on the internet by people with bad intentions. Simply not saying how I really feel most of the time is about as kind as I can manage. Tolerating people who are putting me and society in danger isn’t kindness, it’s madness.


@shadowmnt This is such utter BS. Applauding people because they can make a decision for themselves, only for themselves is why we’re in the situation we are again.
Take off the rose colored glasses.


Reminder, @shadowmnt, ‘research’ is not looking at Faux News and reading a few opinion pieces from Pro-Covids. Real research takes more than googling a buzzword. Real research is peer-evaluated and needs interpretation by a fellow professional in the field. And real research is not real because you found a few articles that have links to a few more articles that support your amateur opinion.

reminder: the FDA has approved the vaccine. The FDA has not approved ANY of your vitamins or herbal / organic remedies… EVER


Boy, are you and this poster you quoted ever deluded. All of the violent attacks and disruptions over vaxing and masking have been perpetrated by the antis.

Here’s just a couple of articles for you. I can come up with dozens more if you need them.


Omg this type of finger wagging under the guise of “kindness” makes my skin crawl.

It’s not “rude” to tell unvaccinated friends or family you can no longer see them. It’s not “unfair” to have restrictions placed on those who choose not to protect their community. It’s not “freedom” to decide to remain unvaccinated despite science.

But refusing to get vaccinated is threatening the wellbeing of everyone (especially those at high risk and children who are not protected yet). It’s pushing us towards another economic shutdown. It’s filling ICU beds with covid cases instead of making room for people with other serious medical conditions. It’s selfish, short sighted and ignorant. And dangerous.

I refuse the false equivalency that in the middle of a pandemic, when many of us are privileged enough to even have access to vaccinations, that those who choose to remain unvaccinated should be met with understanding, kindness and empathy. Nope nope nope.


Thank you for spelling it out. On first read of the script, I couldn’t even get half way through, that’s how furious I was.
I don’t have any association with people that think this way except my brother and sister-in-law and don’t have much interaction with them.
This thinking or non-thinking is so far out in another orbit and will keep this pandemic going till a lot of us are dead.


Hundreds of thousands of more deaths in this country is not something we need right now.
It’s fine to say love one another when the stakes aren’t so high. People that aren’t getting the vaccine are dying now at over 1500 per day in the US and that’s just the beginning again.
You know, it’s one thing to make your choice when it doesn’t potentially impact many more. How would you feel if you got the virus and then passed it on to one of your mates that then died.
Yeah, love one another.


There is no reason to tolerate people who willfully endanger, ultimately (sorry, science), everyone else in the world and civilization as we know it. It is no better than being a drunk driver.

Imagine if 47% of the country insisted on driving drunk 24/7 while everyone else had to dodge them just to go to work or to the grocery store.

And the drunk drivers said, “oh, but I just feel safer behind the wheel when I’m hammered, that’s just who I am and that’s the most important thing to me and you should be nice about it, besides, I heard that some people feel funny for awhile when they stop driving drunk”.

“There was a guy who went to church down the street from the hardware store where my cousin’s half-sister’s exchange student’s best friend used to work and he drove sober. And, what do you know, somebody ran a red light and smashed up his car, it was totalled. Even worse, he got a bruise on his shoulder from that stupid seat belt. I am not wearing one of those, I am not a communist. You can see what happens when you don’t drive drunk. I don’t want that to happen to me. You guys are worried about being mamed or killed for no reason at all”.

“Also, I feel like I might just explode into tiny pieces if I don’t say this one more time on a public forum, but, damn those seat belts just make you look really stupid, it’s like you believe you could be injured or die from being hit by a drunk driver and it’s even worse that you teach your kids to do it… (and then something unintelligible about rights and freedoms…)”.

No it’s not. There is a world-wide public health crisis and it’s a shame that anything has to be said, but here we are – just one hair away from saying that we shouldn’t have gotten rid of small pox. Freedum and rihgtsss!

I can’t think of a single good thing that the just-say-nothing-crowd has ever done for the world. And it is certainly not the crowd that fought for those freedoms that you like to YELL about.

Personally, I just wish they hadn’t built all of those condos on Roosevelt Island, so you’d have something real to complain about (there are still some walls standing there at Renwick and I’d be happy to lend a hand, out of compassion and all).

What have you done lately to protect the freedoms that you have been so graciously granted by doing absolutely nothing but having the luck of your birthplace, other than openly facilitating a world health crisis? Do better.


What are they then? If they think that wearing masks to mitigate the spread of a deadly virus is a matter of “belief”, they are idiots. This isn’t about “beliefs”- like you choose to believe in Allah, or Jesus or be an atheist. It’s about hard science, which has firmly determined that masking helps tremendously in keeping the contagion rate down. The only debate about that comes from anti-maskers who think what they “believe” has more weight than all the scientific studies.

And it’s so aggravating to hear anti-maskers claim they “can’t breathe” in a mask. Yes, you can breathe. If you couldn’t, all the doctors and nurses who’ve been wearing them for years would be dead. And if it makes you crazy claustrophobic and makes you think you can’t breathe, go get some therapy, like other people with phobias and irrational fears do.

No one I know likes wearing a mask, we do it to save lives.


wow…THIS is NOT from ‘Faux News’. love the criticism of ‘us’ because ‘we watch Faux News’ (I don’t watch TV or computer news, I do my OWN research) yet you all get YOUR info from the CDC, WHO, or CNN. I don’t criticize YOU for that, but you all can sure be ugly in doing it to us.
If you have the courage, read the following LEGITIMATE study.
And try and remember , MOST of you do not wear a mask all day. Have some thought to those who DO. Inside and outside as their jobs demand it. Do YOU ever ask an employee you meet how they feel about wearing this thing ALL DAY? I doubt anyone will . But I DO. and so far in 18 months, 100% say they are miserable. Trouble breathing, rashes, headaches…But of course they are making it up. and not ONE of them said it was ‘because their rights were infringed’. Ya’ll need to get a life, a REAL life, not this superiority kind of life. CONNECT with others who are suffering and learn something on the street to maybe enrich your CDC source of information. I’ve even talked to doctors (are they ‘stupid’, ‘inconsiderate’, irresponsible’, uneducated’?) and many have said that 1. masks are relatively ineffective because are paper and do not fit the wearer. 2. can cause long term problems with cognition, skin, respiratory. DOCTORS that are in practice. Go ahead and scream and call names and try and shame others. Funny thing…If YOU are vaccinated, and YOU are wearing a mask, YOU are protected, right? SO why do you insist that OTHERS do what you do? It’s NOT you job to protect another stranger from another stranger. Just do what YOU think is best. I cannot infect you if YOU or anyone else so ‘protected’ any worse than YOU can shedding viral particles despite being vaccinated AND wearing a mask. Wear gloves do you? Ya’ll are just bizarre in your nasty, ugly, name calling ignorant, closed minds. Smallpox? It had a 30% mortality rate ACROSS THE BOARD, regardless of age or infirmity. COVID has a less than 1% across the board, with 5% among ill or frail. Smallpox is a single species virus. Look that up. Coronaviruses are multi species, hence they will ALWAYS be here and vaccinations will NEVER ‘get rid of it’. Nor masks. If I cannot appeal to you all to go ahead and do as you wish without being ugly and judgmental and tolerant than that says something about ya’lls character and I am so glad I do not have anyone like that in my large circle of friends, acquaintances and community. So nice to see how tolerant the left is. Have a good life.

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In order to end the pandemic we need to reach the herd immunity threshold. Because the vaccine is so effective at preventing serious illness, hospitalization and death, it is a far superior method to achieve the high immunity levels needed. That means people that don’t want to get the vaccine are going to have to get it. Or they won’t, they will get sick and/or die. And while the getting sick and dying part should be your right and would just be on you if you stayed home, you won’t. Once you can’t breathe you’ll go to the hospital and put a strain on the medical system, etc.