USA hosts and check in procedures

My thinking is that it doesn’t matter whether my place is cleaned and ready to house a guest or not, no one gets a free ride. If they want early access (more than an hour), they must pay for the privilege.

The use of my condo, including the facilities (bathroom) and amenities – comes at a price. I never lose sight of the fact that I am running a business. Otherwise, what’s in it for me to allow complimentary early usage.

A host recently reported that she allowed a guest in during the wee hours of the morning who slept for 5 hrs. and then left. What is to be gained by that? No thanks.


I am in agreement with that. You pay for my place from xx to xx. I’m not a hotel with a lobby or a bunch of already clean or unbooked rooms I can let you in.

There have been exceptions but they’ve been rare. I honestly need every minute of that time to clean up before they check in.


So i stayed awake, afraid of getting the knock on the door. I have a girl with Autism staying with me and loud noises down go down very well. My wait was in vain.

She never arrived until 17.00, she wrote 05.00 to 06.00 but obviously the 24 hour clock mixed her up, she is a retired teacher.

No drama’s, I never even mentioned the issue as she hobbled into the house on crutches. It’s only a one nighter so not point in getting cross.


You are brilliant for keeping so sane about this. I hope you’ve managed to catch up on sleep, at the very least.

Oh brother! So she wrecked your night sleep with a non event!

Bit of a let down i know. She was absolutely so funny, and charming. It was impossible to be cross with her.
I grabbed an hour in the afternoon to keep me going without sleep.