Updating listing consultant

Due to my head injury after effects, I have some discrete areas of difficulty. Concentration when writing anything more than a comment is one of them.
Has anyone used a consultant to review and rewrite your listing? if so, what was your experience, how much did it cost? Can you recommend someone?
Please pm me if you don’t wish to make it public.


I hate to hear about. your head injury. Hopefully you will heal quickly. Brain injuries can take a while to heal but the human body has an amazing ability to repair itself.

About a listing consultant…where is your listing? Someone who knows the area may be a better fit for you, plus communication may be easier.

Hello @Louise

I’m so sorry to hear about your head injury.

I’d be happy to review your listing for free if you want someone to proof it for you.

Happy for you to private message me.

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Louise. With 30+ years professional experience as a writer and editor of all sorts of things, I’d be more than happy to take a look at your listing and help in any way I can.

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Thanks, I’ve had a few people offer. Great to know there are so many helpful forum members.


Hi @Louise

I think it might get a little confusing if you have a few people helping on this with different writing styles and advice.

I would suggest just working with one of us to make things simpler for you.

If @KenH or others have a bit more time than me, I am happy for him or them to take this forward.

Or happy to help if you are a bit more flexible time wise as I need to juggle with up coming holidays, full time work and managing my Airbnb.

Anyway just let me know.

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