[Updated JAN 2024] Tried and Recommended Products for Airbnb Hosts

Thanks for these great suggestions!!!
How often do you use the bluing? Every time?

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You don’t have to watch the washer for the entire cycle in order to add something to the final rinse. When you turn the washer on, just set it to wash and spin. It will stop after that and before it rinses. Then set it on the rinse and spin cycle and add whatever you want.

I’d like to know if you use it every wash too! Great question!

I only use it when things start looking dingey. I don’t think there is any reason you can’t use it every wash.

I know this sounds a bit daft but if you have any sort of outdoor water feature, such as a fountain, a drop or two of bluing makes it look sparkling clean without looking fake and coloured.


Hi Carolina,

I would like to have more information. I suppose we use Norwex microfibre dusting cloth dry to wipe surfaces to remove dust. Can we remove the dust easily or do we need to wash it to get rid of the dust? We may need a few of them to wipe all the surfaces.

Do we use the window cleaning cloth dry or humid? Do we need to use the dusting cloth to clean the glass window first before using the window cleaning cloth to clean shine the window?

Thanking you in advance for your advices.

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I mean do we remove the dusting from the dusting cloth easily so that we can continue dusting with the same cloth…

remove the dust from the dusting cloth#

You can slap two dusting cloths together or one against a hard surface to take off loose dust. When the mitt becomes full oi from dust that is not easily removed by slapping you will need to wash with non-surfactant detergent.

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