Unsolicited 'advice' from guest

Oh, I forgot to add that I provide dish cloths and scrubbers… all dish soap and cleansers as well.

I agree with what everyone has said. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.
No matter how good or considerate you are, there’ll be someone who will not be happy.
As long as it’s a one off complaint and not one that keeps coming up with different guests, you can safely ignore it, and breathe a sigh of relief when they leave!

AQ… Just go online and read reviews of the Five-STar hotels of the world. You will find some malcontent who didn’t like something about it. People would complain about the Taj Mahal. (“It’s pretty nice but I have to mark it down for being OLD.”) :). There’s an amusing article somewhere called “The unhappy tourists of Yelp” where you can see a bunch of people complaining about things like the Mona Lisa and the Grand Canyon or Yosemite!


That really made me laugh … that’s the truth though isn’t it hahaha

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This is a client who does not want to be pleased. wait until the last minute that you can post an honest review of him…that would be two weeks after he left at midnight…that will warn future hosts and he will not have time to retaliate.

I have had a retail store for thirty years and you can not please a bully.
Just learn the red flags and stand up for yourself immediately. They back down.

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The exact deadline is midnight in the guest time zone. Call air and ask for that time if you find yourself in this situation.