Trip Advisor being sued

Watching this with interest

Trip Advisor, like airbnb, is a booking platform, not an onsite (or offsite) property manager. They do not have a SWAT team standing by to do the work of an onsite or nearby property. manage. Telling a booking platform to ‘tell the guests to stop what they are doing’ is not property management.


Years ago I read (was it here?) a host complaining that their guests were making too much noise so the host called Airbnb to ask them to do something about it.

The guests were in a guest suite directly above the host’s own quarters.


As Debcat said, it will be interesting to see how it plays out. As I read the article, the homeowner is suing the platforms not on the basis that they didn’t send a SWAT team out, but that they were aware of the party plans and # of people but “refused to cancel the booking”. It’s unclear whether the owner saw the party going on on remote cameras, and called, reporting the party, asking them to cancel, and they wouldn’t, or whether the host is assigning responsiblity where there is none.


Is Trip Advisor a property manager (in that it controls acceptance or cancellation of a trip at a private dwelling)?

I don’t think so- just a listing platform and likely their TOS states that they don’t take responsibility for the properties they list, just like Airbnb.
I could see the plaintiff having a successful case against the property mgt. co., but doubt suing Trip Advisor is going to work.

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Agreed. “Clickbait” in full effect.