Time to take a break from the BnB bizz...for now

After three years of adventures – and not a single negative review, if I may pat myself on the back – I am hanging up my hosting hat. Hubby and I closed on a house on the East Side, and while it’s a colorful and vibrant neighborhood, it just isn’t as attractive to tourists as Hollywood was. Well…one could argue I am close to downtown, which has really come up in the last decade and tourists seem nuts about visiting there, but honestly I am just burnt out on having to clean rooms, kiss asses and hand-holding needy guests with no social skills.

So…who knows? Maybe we will give it another go in time…perhaps in a decade when the Olympic games return to L.A. But, for now, we’re turning our attention toward more long-term rentals, like to college students/others to rent out one of our four bedrooms. A situation in which it is OUR asses who must be kissed. Lol.

Not to worry! I have thoroughly enjoyed all the amazing (and I mean AMAZING) stories I’ve read on here and the lively discussions. And, I am happy to share the insights I have gained even though i will be taking an indefinite break. SO, I do not intend to be a stranger.

Keep those lively stories coming! Now that I am out of escrow I should have a little more time to breath…and keep up with the forum. :slight_smile:


Congratulations to you and the hubby on the new home. Sounds like good timing to step back given the regulations that are coming.

I look forward to hearing more from you!


Thanks! And, yeah…with all the buzz that’s been going on about ‘What will happen with short term rentals in L.A.? blah blah blah…’ for months and months and months, it was just that much easier to step away from the hosting gig for a while.


Congratulations on your new home! And new direction.

I can relate. I reached my perceived zenith and burnout at the same time and made the decision to sell and stick to the LTR’s. Less than 30 days later, I was free…well, almost. I’m helping the new owner out by managing the remaining reservations I have until I’ve seen them through.

I’m in it for a few more months but at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.


I adore you! Many congrats on the closing… nothing like owning your own place!! Please please stay on the forum and please stay in touch!!! I have loved your contributions over the years and you have much wisdom and super funny stories to share.

I still crack up when I recall your midnight knocker! :laughing::laughing: Sendng you a PM… :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Congratulation and welcome to Highland Park :wink:

Not sure which East side you meant but you’ll have a great time here in the east side and as you know, it developed amazingly just the last few years.

Wish you much luck and enjoy LTR!

Thanks for the kind warm welcome! Boyle Heights to be exact, so we’re almost neighbors. So, you can see what I mean by ‘colorful and vibrant.’ Definitely a lot of culture and really up and coming with all the development happening in downtown and moving its way eastward. So happy to be close to DTLA while still on a nice, quiet street after seven years of 24/7 noise and insanity in Hollywood. Lol.

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Totally neighbors! I totally hear you. I think you’ll like it here coming from the West side. Completely different vibe. York and Figueroa changes here on a daily basis. Have an easy move!