This site is for hosts only, right?

Was just on Facebook, on our page, and a comment there made me think perhaps the person wasn’t a host with Airbnb. I thought it was just for hosts? And the Facebook page as well?
Just wondering if I should report to Admin? I cannot be certain he isn’t. He just said something about being hesitant to use Airbnb (referring to being a guest). But of course he can be a host and guest as well.
And what happens if I report and they are hosts?
It is just a concern.

This is a site for Airbnb hosts, yes. That said, there are non-Airbnb hosts, former Airbnb hosts and occasionally people who have never been hosts who post and lurk here. Anyone can join this group and post. We have no way of knowing if anyone is really a host or not and I know for a fact that people post here and lie all the time about their hosting experience. Nothing we can do about it.

Same with the facebook page. The site owners want clicks and views and traffic. They don’t care who it comes from.

BTW, this is a good time to remind readers that anyone can read this site so when are letting it all hang out you never know who might be reading it.


The Facebook page gets a lot of negative articles from around the world posted…good for us hosts to know what we have to be aware of in terms of publicity, but also it informs the lurkers who are just looking for reasons to bash us.

I don’t auppose there’s anything to do, but just be aware, like K9KarmaCasa says.


Hey @KKC

Could you not make it a condition of joining that people need to provide you with a link to their listing.

That’s what I have done with the new FB group I have set up for host swaps and it seems to be working well.


The owner @tom2 could, moderators can’t. I’m sure there would be a lot of folks who simply would click away and never sign up though. I don’t see how requiring people to provide a link to their listing accomplishes much.

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It’s just a way of ensuring people who say they are hosts, have a listing.

It would stop at least the spam posts we get from people who join to promote their airbnb management company, cleaning company, Airbnb related software etc.


@Helsi… I’m a future host (working on setting up my unit for too long now). This site has been very helpful to me. It would be sad if I couldn’t have taken advantage of everyone’s knowledge because I don’t have a link yet.


@skemp - I take your point. This forum is a great resource for hosts-to-be. However, if a link was to be required (and I can’t see what would stop scammers putting in any Airbnb listing and claiming it for their own) that would apply to people who joined to actually post here, rather than people who are reading the forum.The forum would still be completely accessible for anyone to read.

It’s a tricky one, isn’t it?

We really want this forum to be a great resource for hosts but it’s sometimes disappointing to see that misleading comments are occasionally written here by inexperienced, ill-advised or even fake hosts. Still, it’s good that we have a variety so that readers can make up their own minds. But that’s why sometimes it can get a bit heated around here :wink:


How do you know if people here " lie all the time about their hosting experience"? . So you go into people 's listings all the time and compare the notes ? :grinning:
Me for example, I don’t know anything about other people’s listing . Whether they lie or don’t lie

I don’t agree.

There would be nothing to stop you viewing forum posts and ‘taking advantage of everyone else’s knowledge’ you just wouldn’t be able to post until you set up your listing.

This would stop the increasing number who join just to advertise their services.

I take your point about people being able to claim a listing that wasn’t theirs. But I think the very fact of having to provide a link to your listing would weed out most of the scammers.

In fact I remember when I joined this forum I did have to provide a link to my listing, so I think something must have changed.

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