This Is A First

Wow. I’m interested to see how this works out for you.

Sorry to hear about that, @shashdineecoretreat :frowning: and on your birthday…

Someone did that to us on Wimdu and although we also have a strict cancellation policy, we got nothing. We learned from that and now when I receive no response from a guest nearing the reservation, especially if they have not shown up an hour after my earliest check-in time, I immediately call Airbnb to inform them that the guest is not reachable just to let them know and have it on record that I have done my part in trying to contact the unreachable guest. That way, if a dispute arises, I have proof and it’s on their record.

Maybe Airbnb will handle your case better than Wimdu did mine. They should consider that there was no response from the guest from the start as can be seen in the Airbnb messaging system. Keep calling and open a case. I hope you get your money, and that despite this you still enjoy your birthday. :slight_smile:

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Took me 60 mins to get through today…finally got someone, who told me there was nothing he can do, of course! LOL

I would open a resolution center case and request the refunded money, take photos, screen shots, etc…proving the guests did not step foot on your property. This maybe the only way to get ABBs attention, bc when the guests denies the claim, it will go to ABB to moderate, and you will at least have a live person to tell your story to.

Kinda scary there is a new way for shady guests to get refunded ‘amenity issue’

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Try air on facebook. They usually get someone to contact you within a few hrs. I use this option when they dont answer the phone. They usually phone me, or email if I cant pick up the call.

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I’ve wondered if you could just call up Airbnb and lie and get whatever you want…

We’ve responded by opening case. Finally got through via phone. Will have a case manager get back to us today. We shall see.


An update. Got through to Airbnb this morning. Case Manager called us back and agreed. They are sending full payment for the cancelled reservation. This is the oddest occurrence to date but, we are pleased Airbnb is backing us up after reviewing the facts. Thank you to all for responding. Often this forum is the go-to spot for all things Airbnb. You hosts are in fact super. (Ducking)


Good. Airbnb did the right thing this time! Glad that scammer guest didn’t get away with it. Happy birthday! :smile:


Thank you. :slight_smile: Very kind.


I’ve never had airbnb answer the phone. Sorry, once they answered but the connection was so bad that I couldn’t hear anything.

What did the people tell was missing in the amenities? It’s glamping, sheesh! We are in your same area.

We were never told this. The person made conflicting reasons. One also being ill. Just wanted out of the reservation as their plans most certainly changed. Hence our strict policy. WHERE are you located?

In Page, the ranchettes area

Oh great. Do you use additional booking sites?

April 26

Oh great. Do you use additional booking sites?

Visit Topic or
reply to this email to respond.

In Reply To
April 26
In Page, the ranchettes area

Visit Topic or
reply to this email to respond.

i started with VRBO and then when they added the fee, I joined ABB. I’ve
been on several other sites and have a sum total of teo bookings from them,
it was trip advisor.
I really dislike TA as they seriously bock unpermitted info in enails but
instead of masking the forbidden the detail they block the entire message
but you only find out hours later which means your communications are
messed up!

I am also creating my own Wordpress website having joined Alan Egans FB

Sorry for the typos above! Trying to answer via my phone with fumble fingers!

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Have you tried to contact them and dispute that you have cancellation agreement with them?

It has all been resolved.

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