Thieves! But no Gypsies or Tramps

Airhost forum jinx. I discovered yesterday that I have a missing shower hook. Just one.

It’s hard to imagine someone taking a single shower hook. I tried to imagine feasible scenarios where it fell off accidentally and then hitchiked a ride out of here but I couldn’t. I’m also missing a few brain cells and cannot locate where I stashed the rest of the spare hooks.


I used to have one of those hanging toiletry bags and the hook was plastic and broke. I fixed it with a shower hook. I didn’t steal a shower hook from an Airbnb but a desperate traveler may have?

The most logical answer is that it fell off. But then it had to go somewhere. I just washed and rehung the curtain a few guests ago so I know it was there recently. Maybe they thought of some slick use (such as you describe) and just thought, “well, she can easily replace it from the rest of the set.”

nice that this has a happy ending, and that it did not cause you any more concern than it did, but I would have been wary as well; when there is a lack of communication, you always worry.

After 700 guests, probably half of whom barely communicated, I’ve learned to let it go. And it’s nice to have this forum and it’s members to talk me off the edge if I feel nervous.

