The hassle factor - do you mention in reviews?

We rent three private, city centre apartments and have hosted over 500 reservations.

We do in person check ins and have detailed info dossiers in each property which means we rarely hear from 99% of guests.

However there are some guests that constantly seem to be messaging with questions but are otherwise good guests.

This is fresh in my mind as we had some guests leave yesterday after a 5 night stay and the quietest day we had 8 questions from them, the busiest 17! :open_mouth:

Now i’m wondering if I should mention the neediness in my review?

They were nice people, left the apartment spotless but I kind of feel I need to warn other hosts just how high maintenance the guests are?

But I don’t want to come across as overly harsh.

They we’re relatively well travelled, middle aged North Americans who told be this was their 4th trip to Europe in recent years so I can’t even really put the constant questions down to culture shock.

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I’m a big fan of straightforward facts. How about plainly stating: Guests messaged us with questions upwards of 17 times a day during their stay.

Future hosts who love that interaction will not bat an eye and the others like me with think High Maintenance!


I usually just don’t review high maintenance guests, but if it was way over the top I could see doing so. They won’t change unless they realize the problem

Looks good to me. (Change “with” to “will” or “may”.)

“upwards of” to “up to” consistent with what they said.


Have a comprehensive manual for the listing. If they fail to read it I would give low stars for communication i.e. not taking note and not respecting your time and space. Yes mention it in the review.

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Reviews benefit hosts, not the guest - and withholding info in your review or not having a review at all makes hosting more difficult for all of us.

Your guests, when looking at your property, do not see what you wrote, only what guests write.

Not reviewing a guest who caused problems benefits nobody.


Eight in one day is bad enough but 17 really takes the biscuit! I would find this really intrusive on my time, but then again, as I live on the premises, people can simply ask me stuff face to face. Just out of interest, what sort of questions were they asking you?

I think I would definitely mention publicly that they were high maintenance but I would start with how spotlessly they left the apartment and were pleasant people, then something like “but they spent a lot of time sending me queries that were…”, Fill in the gap! Perhaps in your private review tell them that you found receiving so many queries quite time consuming.


XX were nice people, left everything spotless but messaged us at least 17 times in one day with questions about things that had been answered many times previously.

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Hmm, I was under the impression that guests could poke around and see the reviews you left for guests.

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They can but they’d have to go looking for it and it’s cumbersome. The Chrome AirReview doesn’t help with that. When I reserve an Airbnb I check the reviews guests have left them. I would only look for reviews he left the guest if there was a problem area I was concerned with, e.g., guest left a bad review…I wonder what he said about that guest?

The point remains that the review you leave for guests primarily benefits their future hosts.

Like Rolf I am strongly in favor of hosts reviewing all guests.

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I appreciate these “finer points of reviews” questions and reading other hosts’ answers. I agree with @KKC and others who say please review all guests. If you worry about being too harsh, there are short & sweet ways to say things that will give a heads up to other hosts.

  • "The guest was very nice and tidy. They were highly communicative, and we provided a lot of info-desk type support throughout their stay.

You can also do the “criticism sandwich”: something nice, the issue you had, something nice.

  • “The guests were very nice and friendly. Be prepared to provide a lot of information/support (we answered at least 9 questions/day, sometimes many more). They checked out on time and left the place tidy.”

Such a review wouldn’t always be a deal breaker for me. It would give me the chance to ask myself whether I could provide the kind of support they expect during the timeframe they’d be coming. Sometimes, I can; other times, I can’t. You’d empower me to make an informed choice, and spare me (and the guest) some disappointment. That’s what reviews are meant to do, imho.


Very impressed with this thoughtful response. You have turned the issue around so that the guest shouldn’t feel criticised, yet hosts can understand what to expect.

In my view, it is unlikely that a critical review will change the way these guests handles things in life. It seems that they have a confidence issue when it comes to making their own decisions. Yet it seems, in every other way, that they are good guests.

I’m going to print your reply AmyB and apply the principle to other ways I respond to things in my business and private life.


@JohnnyAir. It’s nice to hear when my feedback helps someone, and extra nice that you could apply it in other areas of life. Thank you for taking the time to say so. :slight_smile:


Love that! We do that teaching a lot. Just never heard it called that​:rofl::rofl:

I hate when people pester me with questions. I answer legitimate questions though, but anything beyond that … no. I had a guest who pestered me with a gazilion questions for a 1 night stay, left the lights on when he left and blood stained pillow case and I simply banned him from Airbnb. He wanted to come the second time and got so angry, insulted me in text messages that I had to report to customer service. Yes, I’d love to read in other people’s reviews if they are the “talkative” kind.

To be honest, I think that’s partly what I’m here for. If people stay in a hotel, they can certainly ask the concierge for info. The concierge might live fifteen miles away and have information that’s just from tourist leaflets. Hosts, on the other hand, know exactly what’s going on where, the best place to get pancakes, which bars to go to if they want to watch Formula One, what the lifeguard flags mean at the beach … (or whatever).

It’s a service I don’t mind providing.

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Jackie, I don’t mind that, although I put together a comprehensive booklet with things to do, restaurants and addresses. What I mind is stupid questions and asking me like every hour throughout the day like I don’t have anything else to do than to be at their services. For example: can I check in early? Yes. Later: can I have extra pillows? Duh? They are in your closet. Can I bring a friend? Can you come over? I want to cook for you.

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Bless them. They want to be your bff.

I had a similar issue and I only mentioned it in private feedback. I said: that if all my one night guests messaged me that much I would give up hosting! I received his reply, that I shouldn’t accept one night guests, and that I had insulted him.

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