Sylva, NC cleaning

Does anyone have a recommendation for cleaning services in Sylva, NC. We had several complaints related to the one we had and we are looking for a new one. Thanks

Check your local Craigslist. They are local. We’re international.

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Gosh Sylvia is in a pretty region. Are you getting lots of visitors now?

We’ve got owners from the Asheville area on this forum—is that 25 miles from you? With Cullowhee and Cherokee so close to you I imagine there may be a person or two on this forum who can help with info.

@KenH is suggesting a good idea withCraigslist. If Nextdoor app is active in your area that may be a good resource.

I love that part of the state. It seems like every time I get directions in that area it includes “ …turn right on the road beside the Baptist church… “ maybe you could ask a close-by church minister or church secretary if they know of some one—I’m guessing they either have some one cleaning the church who may be interested or know some one.


We have been very blessed with steady renters, and we got our superhost status. We felt in love with the area. We ended up hiring a family business that has been doing a great job. It is more expensive, but we feel that is the price we pay for not living there.

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