Survey for Canadian hosts

Hi everyone, I’m working on an idea for a service for Airbnb hosts in Canada. If you live in Canada and rent your property on Airbnb, I’d really appreciate you taking a few minutes to answer a few questions.

Please take my survey at:

Thank you!

Can you elaborate more on your idea and what exactly the survey is meant to accomplish?

Definitely. My idea is an ecommerce service that makes it easy for airbnb hosts to offer hotel style amenities to their guests (think soaps, shampoos, that sort of thing). Right now I’m just trying to figure out how important these kinds of things are to hosts and where they’re getting them now. And I’m looking for Canadians because that’s where I am and it’s where I see the opportunity. I’m hoping a few of you can take a few minutes to answer my survey so I can see if my idea has any legs.

Do you mean you’re looking for Canadian hosts who rent their occupied, listed property? Lease holders as opposed to home owners? Because I know where you can find one.


Amazon Prime. You can’t compete. Keep a real job.

I’m not too concerned about ownership status. As long as they’re an Airbnb host I’d love to hear from them.

The items I want to sell are usually a B2B thing so they’re hard to find on Amazon unless you want to buy cases of 1000. But you have a good point and I’ll make sure to put your name down in the “thinks it’s stupid” column

Stupid? No. Unlikely to be successful? Pick that option.