Surely it's time to give hosts a couple of days a year off from responding?

I think us members of The Church of the Jedi Knights are far more ridiculed than those who follow the cool looking dude from two thousand years ago…



Ah indeed. That was an odd expectation. The whole thing could have ended right after “Guess what you can snooze your listing”.

But … then we would not have know about blueberry pancake day - so the drama is SO worth it.

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Absolutely! Blueberry Pancake Day makes sense as a day off, as we won’t want to get syrup on our phones.

It’s not just days, if you’re in the hospitality industry it’s a 24/7/365 business.

We have a separate mobile with our “work” number, which we pass between us depending on who’s available (mostly me :smile:). This is more for BDC and VRBO than Airbnb.

Emails/enquiries get dealt with when they arrive, if we’re awake. It only takes a couple of minutes and a quick “excuse me, I need to deal with this” if in company.

None of it is onerous, unless its my turn for the mobile and I get a Catalán, speaking Spanish, where I usually do the “No puedo escucharte” and ask them to email :smile:

I keep threatening to learn Catalán, then OH says maybe concentrate on your Spanish first…



Not to mention “ruining an ENTIRE Christmas Gala Lunch for 8” … if your phone were to so much as beep just one time!

Gasp … fainting!


First world problems.