Superhost but Banned for life on Airbnb

find us on facebook, instagram, or everywhere else, the name is CSAR Guesthouse.
PS: no baby yet, but I’m slowly inflating and she should be here in the coming weeks, so I’ll make sure to let you all know when the first airbnb-stress-free-baby arrives!


This incident is simply one more reason why those hosts that can should list on as many OTA’S as is practical.

If Airbnb, in their arbitrary way, decide to delist you, then you have fallback listing on other sites.



I knew a lady RIP who immigrated from Belgium. She spoke Flemish at home, French for commerce, German which she refused to speak, and English. She was raised speaking those languages fluently, then learned and taught Italian as a career. I found it fascinating that as she entered the late stages of Alzheimers, she lost all but the Flemish and French, then eventually she lost French. She lost the language in reverse order of having learned it. Flemish being the parents’ native tongue and her first acquired language, was the only one she didn’t lose.


She sounds like she was wonderful. I’m sorry for the loss.

Congratulations!! We can’t wait to see pics! <3

I knew her professionally but she was a legend in her world.

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Your unit is in a lovely area. I think you have lots of options. My Airbnb is in the midwestern part of the US with virtually NO tourist draws. The only people that come here are visiting family or working in the area. My problem is with people trying to have parties, I just had locals - a 15yo and a 20 yo (with criminal charges of domestic violence pending) try to book. The first needed me to call her right away as it was very important and the second just wanted to bring in several friends to get “away from home” for a few days.

This is horrible what happened to you. I think Airbnb is getting to much on the side of guests rather than hosts. And that’s a pity.

If you are in Bruges, maybe you can help me out with my matter. I wanted to register my apartment to Tourism Vlaanderen as I heard it is required.
Even though my apartment is safe and secure the lady who came to check said that I would need extra works at my place in order to be eligible to be recognized as a “Logie”.

Do you know if it is allowed to list my apartment on airbnb without being registered on tourism vlaanderen ?
And above all, is it legal ?

Thanks for helping

Hi Lienveighe,
Congratulations on your win against the monolith!
I would be interested if eventually you might post your feelings as to whether the fight was worth the effort.
I was recently messed around by airbnb and decided to follow the old adage “never sue the bastards”. The meaning of that phrase was to the effect that its often not worth the expenditure of the emotional energy as well as the financial and time resources.

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