Super host questions

They say that having Superhost status will get your listing higher in the rankings. As Muddy said, it is a factor, but from what I’ve seen, a minor one. Lowering your price seems to be a major one.

I’m a Superhost, I set it as a goal when I first started to drive traffic to my listings. Only one guest has ever mentioned it. However, the market I’m in has had a 35% increase in listings since March of this year, so right now anything that gives me any kind of advantage is welcome.

Thank you, Muddy. Nicely put. :slight_smile:

does it though? I’ve got 6 listings on my farm (only 3 actual listings but 2 of them have different configurations) and often i’ll be in #1 or #2 spot with one listing, but then the same listing in different configuration will be in a lower spot. my superhost status carries over to all my listings, right? So I think # of reviews is also a factor that gives weight to a property’s value.

I get the same thing, though I have a duplex with three total listings. I do SEO for a living, trusting AirBnB is like trusting Google. They’re the big guys, they make the rules and we all chase them.

In the case of both companies, they will say that X is a ranking factor. They don’t say how much weight they give X, or if Y will be more important after tomorrow’s algorithm update. Air says that being a Superhost is a ranking factor, I think it’s a pretty minor factor.

I searched for my places this morning, and they were on the first and second pages. This afternoon, search next month during the week, they were on the 5th & 6th pages. Change the number of guests from 5 to 6, all the listings change again. I’ve read at minimum to log in every day and update your calendar. I’ve been doing that plus minor rewrites, and it hasn’t helped my rankings one bit. So looks like I’m moving on to major rewrites and retaking photos.


yes, i am constantly tweaking my listings, of course I log in every day. I change my wording at least once a week, and also update photos every 2 months. Does this actually make a difference? I don’t know. How heavily do they weigh the wifi thing? dedicated workspace? instant book? maybe even the cancellation policy? I guess those are things I could check, but it still doesn’t explain why the same listing is in 2 different ranking positions, the only difference is price and number of reviews.

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Your information here about “re writes “ is interesting because once we edited our 16 units, they went from zero visibility back to high vis. Now my issue might have been that the listings are so similar that the photos and the description text weren’t different or unique enough and air thought maybe they were duplicate listings. I don’t know, maybe it was the final four but since we changed / updated the listings things took off. Hard to tell what drives it. Wanted to share my experience, thank you for your angle on things, and ask if you have any more insight since you wrote this post quite a long time ago.
One question is having a listing that is a different combination / group of other listings. Ie, your listing with a different format. I wonder if having the same photos in multiple listings is affecting you? I want to do the same— have a “package” option and would like to hear what your best practices are. Appreciate the help in advance