Suggestion for an 'Honor Snack'?

Hello Everyone!

At my price point I don’t leave snacks - just a few nice chocolates in a crystal dish in the guest’s rooms - and instant coffee, tea, etc, in the kitchen.

We would like to have a few food items on hand that they can purchase on the honor system. Maybe some kind of frozen meals, noodles, and…what else?

I don’t eat frozen meals - does anyone have a favorite that they can suggest? We do have a favorite brand of noodle ; ).

Does anyone have anything else to suggest? This is just for people who get in very late; perhaps traffic was very bad or their flight was delayed - and our local little shop is closed - they may be a bit peckish…

I would put only a few of each item in the kitchen to avoid being ‘cleaned out’.

Have you heard of YourWelcome.Com ? The facilitate this kind of thing with a android tablet in your home, I can connect you with my contact if you want.

PS- we have an Honor Bar with a very nice section of booze, we ask for a donation or replacement, no one has taken advantage YET.

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Instead of frozen, have you considered the “heat in bag” meal options? I frequently buy the 90 second rice (plain or flavored), and there are a variety of Asian or Indian dishes in the bags as well. Sprouts recently had a buy-one-get-one free sale so we stocked up. The meals run $2-4 depending on what’s in them, and the rice I think is about $2 or less. They have the advantage of not needing refrigeration, and to heat you just tear the bag a little and shove in the microwave. Since it’s already in a bag no dish is necessary to heat and generally they do not explode and made a mess.


Great suggestion. We eat some kind of yummy lentils that are in a bag like that. We can get them at Costco. Thanks!!

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Sure, that would be great! I remember when they were ‘advertising’ on this forum but I wasn’t interested at the time.

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@johnbower is my contact. I have emailed with him extensively and have a skype call set up. He is VERY knowledgeable, and helpful, I would highly recommend listening to his ‘pitch’. If you want his private email LMK and I will PM you.

I actually found them by accident, not via their forum adverts. My girlfriend sent a snarky text an I clicked it, ironically it was a very useful ABB tool! :joy:


It sounds gross but my son eats some chicken and beef rice and curry meals off the shelf here and says they are really good and again, don’t need refrigeration. I think nut bars are always a hit and maybe some of those long life cheese and crackers packs. What about some free fruit too, just cheap apples and oranges?

Are people asking for this? I know so many people with food issues "intolerance, ? Allergy, that I just provide 6 bottles of water. I send them info on local food stores. When I travel, I prefer to buy my own food apt the local shops, even if I have to take a taxi. Honour snacks sound like a headache you don’t need. How do you enforce it when people have not paid?

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Yes, those are some good points - but our little pizza place closes at nine on weekdays, and the market, I think, at 10:00. So for people who’ve had stressful delays a warmed up bag of lentils, or cup of mac-n-cheese, may really make their night much more comfortable.

Many of my guests come using public transportation so getting to the full-sized market would be quite a project at midnight.

Thanks - I wasn’t really asking for advice as to should I, because we’ve made the decision to do it.

Out of almost 100 groups of guests I’ve not had anyone steal or take advantage of what we provide. So what if one group eats $5 worth of food and doesn’t pay for it? They are the ones that will ultimately suffer for it, not me. If, with very little effort, I can make a stressed, hungry, tired guest into one that’s a bit more comfortable, why not?

I remember one group that arrived - they had taken a wrong turn earlier in the day, and instead of getting to Gettysburg National Monument ended up far east and in terrible traffic. The mom looked so tired and stressed. When she saw my little ‘Welcome Daniela and Family’ framed sign she laughed, smiled, and relaxed. That’s what I’m talking about…they paid a lot of money to come from around the world to see my town, they shopped all the listings - there are hundreds here - and they picked mine. It’s my pleasure to do what little things I can to make their time here special.


There is another, albeit more labor intensive option, which is your listing states that you can pick up a special easy-to-heat dinner at a special place. In my case, I have a fabulous Italian market at the bottom of the street. He makes great frozen entrees. I can send my guests the name of the shop so they can pick what they want on the website and I can have it waiting for them. Only one guest has needed/wanted that, but they were very appreciative. Since I make it part of a special offer, I just have to remember to add the AirBNB 3% fee. And I like to think that the offer makes even the guests who don’t want this, feel taken care of.

However, our bars/restaurants and markets are open far later than 9pm, so most everyone ones to go to an Irish pub.

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And even if it is an honest mistake you can’t text guest and they can accept the $5 from resolution. At least there won’t be any Air fees on it. An honest guest would be happy to accept it.

BTW - do you have microwave and stovetop with pots and pans? I thought you did but wanted to be sure before I provide my list of “crap” foods…lol

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I forgot to add and ask if you have a toaster oven or regular oven?

Not yet. My husband suggested it, as often guests will bring home leftover pizza.

What about regular oven? I was going to recommend a frozen item that I love (individually packed) but it would take a regular oven if you don’t have a toaster oven.

I have two rooms that I book out, and I made the investment of getting a small microwave and dorm fridge to put in each room. I put some “free” snacks in the room (fruit, granola bars, water, instant coffee and tea bags) and have a small assortment of other foods available in the linen closet on the honor system, i.e., canned soups, ramen, dinty moore type things, oatmeal, etc. They are all priced and there is a place to put the money if needed. People tend not to take advantage. I also provide a list of all the places that provide delivery services, ubereats, doordash, grubhub, etc. But seriously, the microwave and dorm fridge is a tremendous investment. I totally recommend doing that.

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Thanks - they do have a kitchen with hot-plate and microwave, and full-size fridge. Thanks for the suggestions! I’m glad to hear that people have not abused it.

If you have many Asian guests, I’d suggest Shin ramen (spicy). They are fairly inexpensive (around a $1 per pack) if you buy a box at the Asian market.

Yes, great tip! Our favorite! The kids got a case for a Christmas present (kind of a joke). They actually sell them at the Safeway near our house.

I have a favorite story of my little daughter adopted at 3.5. She ate all our food willingly, but a few things she did not like - such as meatloaf. So one night we were going somewhere and I was serving meatloaf, so I prepared her some of these noodles not knowing about them. My husband tasted them and said they were way to spicy. I panicked - what was I going to feed my little girl?! My daughter walked over, inhaled the noodles, drained the bowl dry, set it down with a huge sigh and said “XIE XIE MAMMA”. (Thank-you mamma). So adorable. She’s almost 12 now - a lovely young woman. She still loves her spicy noodles!!!


That’s a great story. In the U.S. people tend to assume that children don’t like anything but bland carbohydrates with lots of fat. If they keep getting fed only such “food” they will develop a taste for it exclusively. In fact, children’s tastes are as varied as adults.

For microwave frozen items, these were my favorites when I was the microwave queen back in the day:

Don Miguel had good beef and cheese chimichangas that I would find in the refrigerated section right when you walk in the door at Walmart supercenter. The instructions say you can freeze them and then microwave, although I believe I always kept them thawed out.

  • Jose Ole Steak and Cheese Chimichanga - you can get them individually wrapped. They are one of the most tasty
  • Tina’s Red Hot beef burritos are very cheap and popular. I can’t describe what kind of mystery is inside of it, but it’s great for the price
  • TGIF frozen quesadillas are good. I used to get them when they had deep sales. Regular price is too expensive.

Pizzas that heat well in the microwave:

  • Red Baron deep dish singles - you can get them in 2 packs
  • Healthy Choice Pepperoni french bread pizza. I am sure Stouffers and all those french bread pizzas heat just as well too. But Lean Cuisine round pizzas, etc. - yuck!


  • Michel Angelo’s Eggplant Parm (individual) - expensive if not on sale
  • Lean Cuisine Vegetable Lasagna (individual)

Another thing that heats up well in the microwave (aside from Hot Pockets) is those sandwich melts. I think they usually call them a panini (even though they aren’nt). Stouffers and some other brands sell them. I can’t recall which ones I liked and which ones were inedible. But they do crisp up nicely.

Refrigerated items: Depending on the expiration date - lunchables might be an option

Non - refrigerated:

Instant mashed potatoes that only require water. My favorite is Idahoan brand 4 cheese flavor - it is cheap, cheap when you can get 2/$1. You can get the small bags, you don’t need to buy a large box. Just be sure it doesn’t require milk. I used to eat them with a can of green beans or corn as a meal. They’re pretty damn good for instant potatoes.

You already mentioned ind. macaroni and cheese. The boxed Velveeta shells and cheese can be made on a hot plate since it uses the squeeze pack of cheese. No milk required. - Just thinking of those who won’t use microwaves due to radiation.

  • Cans of tuna with packets of mayonnaise and cracker packs. Of course Dinty Moore stew and cans of ravioli, etc. But I have never had one I liked.

I didn’t realize I was so knowledgeable about junk food :astonished:

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