STR insurance poll

Being self insured has worked best for me for decades. I have never had an incident and probably saved millions by now. Also supporting a bunch of suits getting rich for providing such a poor service is just immoral. Over the years I have had to serve jury duty in several insurance cases where these companies waste the tax payers money trying to get out of claims. I will follow Warren Buffet’s example, own these piece of caca companies and profit from the debt slaves convinced they need them.

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Thank you so much for this insurance information… would you please share with me that company that’s only charging you $2200?

I’m paying $1588 annually HO3 mom STR
DP3 STR prices have ranged from $2500 to $3600 the low in only covering 300,000 in liability

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The Insurance company is Heritage Insurance, located here in Florida. The broker, who did a great job finding STR insurers is John Butler in Ocala, Fla.
My quarterly payment is $475. The policy offers $1 million liability insurance in case someone gets hurt.