Spring Break in Florida - Guest Requests Share Your Stories

It’s Spring Break season - anyone else getting goofy requests from college students coming to town? My listing is a minimum 1/2 hour away from the downtown areas and is a quiet (used to be retirement) community. So the 5 bars/restaurants in the neighborhood won’t do for Spring Break.

Recent guest - “Can we bring our new 50” TV for the bedroom?" 0 reviews (not a problem as most of those have been lovely). Not answering basic 1st message questions except for “Are we approved?” “Other places are basically a private room” Ah, yup. That’s what this is.

Hoo boy. He’s yet to answer my basic questions. Wish me luck. He and his buddy are probably adorable.

Yes, I wish you luck. Where I live it’s Semana Santa I have to deal with. I actually blocked my calendar completely a couple years ago for that week, when I started getting request messages from what looked like 15 year olds like “So, is it only for one person?”, when my listing title includes “For Solo Traveler”. I could foresee being busy answering and declining requests for days, so I just blocked the dates, not worth it to me. Last year I was lucky- a nice middle-aged guy who just wanted to check out the area as a possible relocation booked several weeks ahead, so I didn’t have to deal with any of that.

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No Spring Break bookings yet. We are a good 50 minute drive from the spot where the spring breakers congregate in our area ("…remember that ol’ Frio River, where I learned to swim" --George S.) and I have our rates jacked up to deter those planning low budget “heavy metal vomit parties” ( --Allison, The Breakfast Club).

Maybe we won’t even book it. If we do, possibly it will be at last minute when the cheaper places and everything near the Frio is full. Regardless, as March holidays draw closer and I still have not booked I look at that premium rate and say to myself…



As do we. The council have already started building the boxes and grandstand where the great and the good pay lots of money to watch the multiple processions during Semana Santa here.

It seems to get bigger and bigger every year, and when you live in the city centre it’s a pain in the backside. We get roads closed all over the place, some with no logical reason, if you want to eat in the centre you need to plan your route with military precision else you can end up trapped by a long procession.

Five days, it’s only five days…,

Mind you, all of the above is usually compensated by both high rates and full occupancy :slight_smile:

Happy days.


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Semana Santa is where I learned that “caramelos” have no caramel most of the time.:roll_eyes:

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I’ve just realised that weirdly, despite the fact that I live in the exact area where spring break revelries were (sort of) invented, so near to the beach that saw much mayhem and chaos for many years and almost steps from where the most famous spring break movie was made, I have never hosted spring breakers!

Let’s hope I’m not jinxing myself by admitting that… :slight_smile:


I live on the more or less quiet outskirts of a busy touristy beach town. Semana Santa goes on here for 10 days to 2 weeks! I just stock up on food and supplies and try never to have to go into town, it’s such a zoo.

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At least you’re not in Pamplona having to deal with overtestosteroned bull runners…


Another place on my list… :slight_smile:

No, but we have drunken cowboys on dancing horses, foaming at the mouth, poor things.

I think I misread that…

I have spring break bookings but they’re all families with little kids, thank goodness.

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That’s me told. I thought spring break was a college thing. Embarrassingly English. :slight_smile:

It is a college “rite of passage,” but it’s also all schools getting a winter break and families head to Disney in droves.

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