Special offer - not fair recalcualtion

I am new host on airbnb and I´d be really happy if anybody can help me a bit.
What just happens to me is that guest ask for discount 10%, but my profit with this updated offer got down to -25%.
Is it normal??
Request was from 14 guys coming for 5 days.
Thanks a lot

I would never accept 14 guys in the first place let alone give them a discount - think of all the wear & tear.


Is what normal?

I don’t follow your post.

Do you have a cleaning fee which you forgot to include in the special offer?

Paid by guest was 1457€, net profit was 1405€
If I discounted 10% (1311€ paid by guest), my income was recalculated to 1078€ which is 24% down

It says that everything (cleaning, taxes…) should and is included in the special offer

I have had problems with Airbnb miscalculating the correct prices for special offers or reservation changes. For example if I make a reservation alteration to change the guests from 2 to 4 I have found I have to double check the math to make sure Airbnb is correctly calculating the extra guest fees, etc. If I don’t it will input the wrong total and I will get screwed. So it’s not just you. Always double check the math!

And if it is something that is automatically calculated and applied like you are describing I would contact customer support if the payout amount was wrong.

This happened to me when I adjusted a reservation for a guest – AIR miscalculated my credit. I contacted customer service through their site and I got a response within 35 hours – they noted it was an error, apologized, gave me a $100 voucher.

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If you still have a house left after the 14 guys visit, you will probably never want to offer a discount again. In some cultures bargaining is a way of life; with AirBnb short term rentals, you’re often losing too much to make such offers worthwhile.

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