Should I mention it in review?

My guests just checked out. They left my place in a good condition. They did not reply to greetings or anything during their stay. That’s totally fine, some guests are not very communicative. But when I was going to delete the recorded video slips from the doorbell, I noticed that on one slip, the daughter waved hi to the camera while her mom gave it a middle finger. BTW, I stated on my listing that we have security cameras in the hallway installed by our building management and each owners. The mom looks extremely excite, in a very high mood when she came out of the elevator. Maybe it’s nothing, but I feel offended… I never did such thing in my life to anyone else. I wanted to text them asking if there was anything wrong, but hesitated. Should I mention that in my review to the guests? Any inputs are appreciated!

I would just ignore it. She was being an axx and not being a good role model for her daughter.


Mom was probably drunk or high. Ignore it. Cameras are a sensitive area that can get your listing suspended while ABB investigates a guest complaint, and “Mom” might complain if you call her out on flipping your camera the bird. It’s not worth taking that chance, no matter how small it is.


For people of a certain age and mindset, flipping the bird to a camera or in photos isn’t actually insulting. You’d have to consult someone more hip than I about who, what, why but I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s similar to cursing. All kinds of words that used to be taboo are now commonplace and it’s outside of a host’s scope to worry about it. If it were a guest flipping off other guests in the building, the building employees, police or firefighters, that might be a problem.


I wouldn’t. The reality is that while that behavior is rude, it probably wasn’t meant to be direct and it didn’t present a significant risk to your property. If they do that exact same thing to another host their property won’t be harmed and it won’t cost them anything.


Thank you everyone for your advises! I am glad that I asked the questions here before making a mistake.


review :
My guests’ stay was characterized by a peculiar mix of communication styles. While the daughter was courteous and friendly, waving hi to our security camera as they left, her mother decided to add her own unique touch. With an apparent surge of excitement, she gestured towards the camera with an extended finger of a particular variety. Nevertheless, they did leave the place in good condition, and their stay was relatively uneventful.


I used to flip off people doing bad things while driving, but gave up doing it a bunch of years ago. Think I was afraid of getting shot.


I sneakily wonder whether most of us have done it at some time or another.

I certainly wouldn’t mention it in a review, or even think twice about it. It’s certainly nothing to be offended about.


It’s an automatic reflex!! I do it less than I did, but… old habits die hard.

@KKC is correct - there’s a certain age group that views flipping the bird as appropriate in photos. I don’t get it, but hey, as long as they don’t ruin my photos, let it go.


Don’t take it personally. She was probably flipping bird to the idea of surveillance cameras, not to you as a host.


Nah. Didn’t impact their stay.

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You’re in the service industry. Get used to it.

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Wow, now I feel bad for flipping off my own cameras half the time.
I don’t like surveillance.