Sharing info about a supplier

Recently, I stayed at a Cambria hotel. The soap dispenser was interesting.
Locked so Bottles could not be tampered with or removed by guests. The bottles have windows at the bottom so you can tell when they are empty.

I contacted the manufacturer. They also sell the individual small toiletries.

The website is clunky but if you are interested in the bracket and multi use bottles, call them.


I’ve been looking for something like this and you are right, I can’t find the pictured items on the website. If someone else finds the exact link can they please post it?

Website not mature. A pic of the dispenser scrolls by under Hoteliers—>dispensers

I am going to Contact CS

Thank you for posting! I wanted to do soap dispensers but then a friend told me she would never use provided shampoo etc because “what if someone put Nair in it?” Omg. I never would have thought of that but since then I can’t think of anything but when I see provided stuff. These locking ones are a great idea!

I am now using these in all my showers:

It is a proprietary system, so stealing is useless.
The cartridges are closed so you cannot insert anything. Main advantage compared to pump systems is that the cartridges empty completely.

A lot of hotels are moving to systems like this, because it saves a lot of money compared to mini bottles.