Shampoo bottles with urine

We switch from single use to refillable shampoo , conditioner bottles .
Now , we are returning to the single use .
More sanitary , no chance of someone urinating in them.
Anyone concerned this could happen to you ??

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No, and I’m pretty risk-averse.

Is this a hypothetical or did this happen to you?

If it happened, it surely is an outlier experience, right? If this happened to me I wouldn’t change to single-use bottles unless I thought my customer base had permanently changed.

If this is a hypothetical, I just wouldn’t go there.


Pee in a bottle of shampoo? Are you serious? What a bizarre concern.

Put a dispenser on the wall of the shower if you really think someone would do that.

And if someone did, that’s not ever likely to happen again, so going to single use bottles makes no sense.


Is this some sort of joke?


OP, please come back and clarify! Did this happen to you, or are you taking the piss, so to speak, with the gracious hosts here?


All this sounds to me like a wee bit of a tall tale but I’m not a whiz at these things. It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from the OP, maybe the post was trying to make a splash. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Tall tale ?? lol
Y’all know packaged food comes with tamper free lids , do y’all know why ??
When we switch to refill bottles , it did make me think twice because of the possibility .
Then I read a story , maybe it happened , maybe not , the way the story was told .
I think you’d be a fool to think it would not happen to your airbnb .
We switched to larger refill bottles because we had complaints , the print was sooo small and lite print , many folks needed glasses to read which was which

Yeah, well, shampoo and conditioner aren’t food. And while no one would do so willingly, urine on your hair wouldn’t make you sick.

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You’re right about this.

A few years ago I was on a tour in Florence and years ago (I think we’re talking Middle Ages and the Renaissance) using urine on hair to bleach it was a known and used technique.

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Maybe it happened to someone?

In England, and possibly worldwide as far as I know, people are warned not to use the kettle in their hotel room because men (obviously, given the equipment) pee into them.

It’s also said that they do worse than that but that seems a bit overly-athletic. But why anyone would want to do either of those things I’ve no idea.

I’ve done plenty of daft things when kaylied but I simply can’t see the fun in peeing in kettles. I really don’t believe that there are such moronic people out there.

If however, someone peed into a shampoo bottle, which seems as unlikely as people peeing into kettles, then the host would probably think ‘drunken idiot’, throw the bottle away and buy some new. Cost probably a tenner.

So unless this was something that was happening with every single guest, I doubt that a host would think anything more about it.

Kettles, shampoo bottles? Urban myths, I imagine.


I’m trying to picture a guy choosing a shampoo bottle, which usually have openings about 3/4 of an inch across, to pee into. Unless their equipment was an especially tiny little thing, they’d end up peeing all over their hand.
I’ve run across some small ones in my life, but never that small, except on my newborn grandson… :laughing:


Ha ha this was exactly my thought. You start imagining the logistics and everything turns very funny from that point.

But there have been some nasty TikToks with people talking about doing disgusting things into the shampoo bottles at Airbnbs, like one my kids showed me of a guy talking about ejaculating into them, and this Reddit thread of people talking about people putting hair removal products into bottles:

… and then other people responding on that Reddit thread saying: no, this isn’t a thing, it’s an urban myth; it wouldn’t work because you have to leave hair removal products on for a long time; people aren’t that nasty; etc. I’m inclined to go with the “people aren’t that nasty” argument, or maybe an Airbnb version of it: People aren’t that nasty when they know they’re going to get a review that will affect their ability to book Airbnbs in the future.


Whatever brought that sick idea ito mind? That would have to be a guest with a mental condition. In that case, you wouldn’t have to worry about that very often.


I completely agree. After more than thirty years of doing STR, I’ve found that guests are usually lovely! I think it’s because of the media that we get these strange stories.


And I think you’d have to be extremely paranoid and neurotic to think it would.


Why does it have to be a guy?
A women squatting down in the shower can do it just as easy.

True, but if a person was needing to squat to fill a bottle in the shower, they probably would just urinate in the shower itself, surely? But who knows: When I worked as a cleaner, I found a few single men urinated in bottles, kept by their bed(rather than walk a few feet to the bathroom). Fine, but I was a bit put out that they thought it OK to leave me to remove these. After all, I was not their carer! And actually they weren’t elderly!! Little surprises me, but some things still make me raise my eyebrows a bit!

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I travel with a funnel, JUST BECAUSE IT’S FUN TO DO THIS! /s


My house configuration has 2 bedrooms (one mine, one the guest room) with a bathroom in between them, accessible from either bedroom.

When I have guests in residence, I lock off the door to my bedroom, that bathroom being exclusively for the guest, and I use the downstairs bathroom.

As I am sometimes desperate for a pee first thing in the morning before I get dressed and can get down to my bathroom, I have a small pail I use if necessary, that I keep under my bed.

I have a cleaner who comes once every two weeks to do the deep cleaning stuff I don’t get around to (I clean the Airbnb room and bathroom myself).

One day I realized after she had left, that I had completely forgotten to remove and empty that pee pail before she cleaned in my room. I was so embarrassed and apologized profusely the next time she came- she said it was no big deal- she’d dealt with way worse than that before.