Sex Etiquette for Hosts?/ Coming out as Queer to Guests

You are being disingenuous. You used the fact that I permit my guests to have guests to say that I’m running a brothel. You wrote that with the sole purpose of insulting me.

I believe @guthend was using an extreme example to question whether you really do allow all and sundry into your home.

In the other thread @EllenN did say she wasn’t bothered by guests having one night stands …


Clearly, you haven’t seen the history of his posts directed at me.

As to the original post, I personally do not have friends over for the purpose of sex when I have guests staying.
My ABB is a shared house listing also. My friend (whoever it may be), may be here for a little while if we’ve just gone out to dinner or something, but they don’t stay any portion of the night.
That’s just me, I just really don’t want to have sex with strangers in my home.
I don’t see the OP as promiscuous, she didn’t say she brings random people into her home for sex, just that she is bisexual.
It’s really not that uncommon to have some kind of ongoing friend with benefits situation with multiple people. Doesn’t mean a woman (or man) is promiscuous in my opinion.
There are some people who really don’t want the whole committed type of relationship, but do enjoy getting together with someone we know every once in a while.


@GutHend. I think if you review the posts that categorically state no visitors, it is a small subsection of the forum who feel very strongly about this subject. There are lots of other posters who never discuss their policies on this topic and might go one way or the other.

I do allow visitors. Actually, to be more specific I do not forbid visitors. I have quite a few guests who are here to visit family, especially their adult children who pick them up from the airport, or come to get them for dinner, etc. I can’t imagine forcing them to stand out on the porch in the snow. They are welcome to come in. They are welcome to spend time with their family members either in the common area or the AirBNB sitting room. They are welcome to eat their take-out dinner together in our dining room using our dishes and glassware.

What is implicitly implied is that no one extra spends the night. But, I even broke that rule one night when a guest’s friend’s flight was cancelled and they had no where to stay. Now, in that case, we did an extra person charge on the reservation so that they were technically part of the reservation.

I would not feel uncomfortable with a random, met-at-a-bar-stranger being brought back to the house, especially if either of the people were inebriated. So far, all guests who wanted to have a visitor have asked, and explained the relationship. And I don’t even ask about the relationship…

:wink: But prostitution would not be acceptable. It is, not just random strangers, but against the law which is forbidden by the AirBNB TOS.

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Why are posters here trying to decide whether the original poster is “promiscuous” or not? I’m sad and disheartened to see slut shaming here. It’s none of anyone’s business how many partners someone else has or how well others know their partners before having sex with them as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult.


I didn’t say she was promiscuous, I read it in one of the comments.
But I certainly didn’t mean to offend. I felt like I was actually defending the OP’er.
Good thing I’m not a lawyer :slight_smile:

Just read my post, and I can see where one sentence I wrote would indicate that maybe I thought it was promiscuous if someone brought home a random person and had sex with them.
I did not phrase that very clearly, cause I also see nothing wrong with that, but I am certainly not going to feel comfortable doing it with paying guests in the house.

Do you allow unregistered guests then ? What if something happened and it made your insurance void or ?


OK, I’m going to place my bet: the OP will never respond or come back.
“I find hosting is kind of a drag on my sex life” makes me confident of these odds.
But it’s an interesting topic. If you’re sharing a space, you need to be considerate whether you’re a host or a guest. But everything depends on the lay-out of your home. I could have a full-on orgy in my bedroom and guests would never know because it’s far enough away from their room. But if it’s a smaller space where sounds travel easily, well it’s obvious that you need to be respectful. It’s nothing to do with sexual orientation, that’s kind of a red herring I think (and slightly increases the odds on my initial bet). Not saying that homophobia is irrelevant and that issues around being open with guests are always straightforward (no pun intended!) as @GutHend said.

I can see the point made about safety - none of us want guests to bring back random strangers they picked up in a bar so it’s fair enough that guests have the same sense of security. I don’t know. Every host has to determine for themselves what they are comfortable with and what works for them.

Have to go now, orgy participants have arrived and they’re demanding snacks. Sigh.


Hi Ellen,

Personal insults are frowned upon, as you know, but as the two of you are regular and valuable posters, I’m sure you can work it out amicably. By PM if necessary.

Different hosts, different points of view. :slight_smile:


And by the way, I love and enjoy your pedantry @faheem. Not only that but, personally, I find it an increasingly important trait these days.


You cook and provide sex @magwitch? What a mensch! :wink:


LOL! Sitting here in my pjs being a total slob and working my way up to giving the bathroom a quick clean. Once that’s done, I’m anybody’s. But only the cat will bite!!


Tuna for all!

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I am sorry if I characterized anyone as promiscuous, as that is sort of a moral judgment on someone, but the OP did say this… so it sounds like more than one she is bringing back?

Anyway to each his or her own… but she was specifically also asking if she should tell guests she is bi-sexual. That is one question no one really discussed. If one day guests see and hear Jack, and the next day, Jill.

I think it’s all TMI.

That’s because we both live in England :slight_smile:


You must be kidding. He never misses an opportunity to personally insult me.

Yes, I allow unregistered guests. I am not as concerned about liability as many posters on this board. It’s true that in the U.S. everyone has the right to sue although that right is being carved away by binding arbitration agreements. The reality is that most liability suits are argued by attorneys who agree that their fee will be a portion of the settlements. This means that they have a disincentive to take a weak case. As the plaintiff must show gross negligence to win a personal injury lawsuit, I don’t curtail many of my actions in the hope of avoiding a lawsuit.

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lol I had a chuckle at that @Helsi