Seeing reviews potential guests have left for other hosts

When I am vetting a guest, I obviously look at their reviews. However, I have tried on the reviewers profile to see what kind of review the potential guest has left for them but I am unable to click on the other hosts profile. Does anyone know how I can see that other hosts profile? Is that not an option through thd Airbnb App?

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It works for me on the app.

I have to use Safari to view all that information or use my desktop computer. The app is limited for accessing host information such as you are attempting. I am guessing that you want to see if the potential guest also leaves reviews and how the host may have answered their reviews?

The app (Android) is not limited; I find it more ardous to find the information than on a desktop but it’s there. Click on the guest name, then their reviews then tap on the host and you can scroll down and see the host’s reviews from your potential guest.

Granted, I’m not looking at “potential guests” I’m looking at past guests but it should work in the same way. The chrome extension AirReview doesn’t work in the app and that alone is reason enough to use the desktop if you want to “screen” potential guests.

I am wanting to see what kind of reviews the guest has left for other hosts. Are they being picky? Are they complaining about things that are very minor?

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If you can use Google Chrome, you can download AirReview (in Extensions) and those reviews will show up when you click on the guest’s profile. I found about it here thanks to @KKC and others, and it’s great. I’m on IB, but it still gives me a good idea of what to expect and where to head off potential issues.

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