Tom, Sandy is raging on this site bashing guests one after another. Now she is bashing me and Kona . She picks fights with anyone who speak kindly about guests.
I wonder if there is anyone who can provide proof of this rather large claim. All of my former posts are right there under anon(number something or other). But it appears that Yana has a vendetta against me, and feels that she can make these claims without any proof, and already as a moderator has booted me off the forum without a word (I re enrolled under a different name, but for how long?). Tom is completely disinterested.
I honestly feel that when others had different experiences to my own, that I was often pleasantly surprised, happy for them and have shown encouragement. The large amount of ‘likes’ I handed out as a member goes somewhere towards showing my enjoyment in encouraging people’s posts (and not just those that shared the same experiences as me).
While our home is different from some, many have had the same experiences with guests not being as careful with the home or room as they should be, but I hardly think I’m raging on the site bashing one guest after another. I have found it to be a tremendous help for me to offload my latest bad experience to not feel so alone.
Personally I feel Yana’s vendetta began when I tried to explain someone’s post to Yana as she had made an unnecessarily harsh response to due misreading or misunderstanding the post. Even though I do admit to (tongue in cheek mostly, but clearly doesn’t work online!) occasionally ribbing different cultural tendencies - including my own, and this has gotten me flagged, I have never been flagged or had any issues with fighting with people who speak kindly of guests. I’d love to love my guests more! Why do you think I’m in therapy?
I do know I am pretty outspoken. But if people come for opinions, then, I guess I think they are wanting to hear them. But sometimes they are wanting to hear only what they want to hear, and I could be more attuned to that, I know.
Now I just have to wonder, why is this person that has lied about and targeted me been selected to be a moderator? And why is Tom totally disinterested to find out if I am guilty as accused? I have as many posts liked as Yana does, so it’s hard to argue I’m that unhelpful or disliked.
Any thoughts before this is whipped into oblivion? Tom suggested taking the conversation private, but then refused to respond.