I’m sure I saw this discussed somewher but I can’t find it now.
So, I’m still fine tuning my rules and want to set an age minimum of 6yrs.
In the YES/NO part of the Airbnb House Rules you can only choose the 0-2 or 2-12 age group.
I’ll tick NO for Under 2 but what about the 2-12’s. Should I YES or NO that age? (obviously they should let us manually put the age we choose in.)
I’m thinking of adding this in the “additional Rules” bit:
We welcome families with children aged 6yrs and above.
(Strict supervision/behaviour control of children is required at all times, especially in the pool area.)
Leave it blank because I read somewhere that once you have ticked yes or no, you can’t go back to blank. Which I think is the best thing, given that you are going on to say 6+.
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Thanks but too late for that, it’s been ticked YES since I started (with the suggestion that we prefer 6yrs and up as an addition).
Now I want to be stricter.
If I tick NO I may lose interest from people with 6-12 yr olds, but also don’t want to encourage those with 2-6 yr olds by ticking YES .
As has been said somewhere on this forum before, this is so unnecessarily restrictive of Air, particularly in circumstances like yours (and mine, for the same reasons).
We ticked both boxes for infant and child (I HATE “kid-friendly”) and then.wrote in “other things to note”
“Because of our unfenced pool, we are sorry that we are not able to accommodate small children below the age of 6 who cannot swim. We can usually accept babies who are not yet able to walk and can provide a cot.”
Unfortunately this has meant that we’ve had two bookings by guests who, at the point of booking, had babes-in-arms, but we all know that these can very quickly become toddlers and although both lots were lovely and the children very cute and no trouble in themselves, it has been ruinous for my nerves every time I see them near the pool or the garden steps!
I think your addition to the rules is good (I might borrow it if you don’t mind …) though I might add something like “For their own safety, strict supervision etc …” Of course, it does require that prospective guests actually read the Rules (and we know how optimistic that is!) and of course it wouldn’t be feasible to have Instant Book with this, but I think it’s a good compromise.
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Yep, I think we have more chance of them reading The Rules rather than putting it in “other things to note”.
I’ve put it at the top of my rules so it shows on the main page without having to click “+ more”.
I just turned my listing off instant book again, for now. Tho with instant book they do have to agree to the rules in order to book and then if it turns out that they have booked with an under 6 year old child they are in breach of the rules and I can cancel penalty free.
Still a PITA having to cancel at all.
So if all my listings say “Not suitable for infants & not suitable for children 2-12” Why on earth does Airbnb keep sending me guests with infants and kids under 12?? This makes me decline them and then I pick up bad brownie points on my listing. …!!