Rude inquiry from guest & how to respond

Received the following two messages back to back from a guest:

Hi i am planning to visit south beach This would be my third visit . One simple question for now: is it a quiet place night and day ? I need super
Quiet from
The noise
Or south beach . Last visit I had to cancel for both hosts which misrepresented the place it was disgusting not clean and it was noisy due
To construction etc thanks

Feb 6, 2019 · Adam

Also what level ? If this is truly not quiet do u have another place that is quiet no outside noise or construction ? This is a requirement for me thanks
Feb 6, 2019 · Adam

My response after reviewing his profile and seeing only 1 negative review left for him:

Hey Adam:

Just wanted to give you some tips & insight from a seasoned host when you’re requesting to book.

Given that you already have a negative review, most hosts will be inclined to automatically decline your request to book absent a very compelling approach by you. This is why I declined your request because your message came across as a bit demanding and sends red flags that you’ll be a hassle guest to host. Most hosts want guests that are entirely independent, don’t require a lot of attention, and come to an understanding of what is expected based on reading the host’s listings, rules, etc.

Noise is not something a host can control, especially in apartment buildings where every single wall, floor, and ceiling divides you from another person. Given your personal sensitivities to noise, I would spend time reading the review on any given listing you are interested in. You can search the reviews by single word queries - you may find it helpful to search by : noise. This way you can see what guests have said about noise issues and make a determination on your own if the apartment is a good fit for you.

You should also maybe consider a different area if the noise, day and night, is really that major of a concern for you - as South Beach is a very lively and busy neighborhood, not just from tourist, but from people living, workers coming and going, etc.

Hope this helps you.

Two days later:

Hi looking for a place that is super quiet day and night super clean and flexible check out is yours the place? Thanks
Yesterday at 12:58 AM · Adam

Needless to say, Adam is now blocked.


Wow you certainly dodged a bullet!


Your reaction to Adam is soooooo me :grin::joy::rofl:. I would react exactly the same, being nice, trying to educate,… Only to afterwards realize that I should not have wasted my time and should just have answered: “Our place is not super quiet. Lots of success with your search for a noiseless place. Happy travels!”


This dumbass doesn’t even realize he’d already messaged you? Or did he think you wouldn’t realize it?

High five for telling him he’s not a desirable guest. After you tell him it’s quiet and he can check out when he damn well pleases he will ask for a discount. LOL.


Awww. Little Adam doesn’t want to take responsibility for his own issues and choices.

Super sensitive to noise? Maybe pick a different vacation destination. Or, he could invest in good noise canceling headphones, ear plugs and so on.

He wants Airbnb hosts to promise him the impossible, so he can blame them when it doesn’t work out for him.

Then, he wants to come back the next year and do it all over again!


Great message to him! And - whew! - that he is blocked. What a p.i.t.a.!


My assumption is he’s one of these guests that fires off the same messaged to 20 something hosts to see who take a bite and responds. Not me… no thank you.


@sobepuppy I really didn’t think it was a rude message; people have different requirements; this potential guest wants a quiet place and is upfront about it-- how is that a problem? Nonetheless, it’s pretty unreasonable to expect South Beach, of all places, to offer peace and quiet – people go to South Beach because they don’t want peace and quiet!!