Response to weird, wacky and sad - Im on the ledge

Ok. I’m an “AirBnb is great” host myself, because the platform has really earned my affection & esteem, both as a host and as a guest. A tiny example this morning, but only one of several:

Booked an AirBnb in Honolulu to visit my son, who lives there. Forgot to use my latest Superhost voucher (which I received for hosting 0 stays in 2021, as many of us did). Called to see if there’s any way to apply voucher retroactively - there isn’t. That’s often where such calls end, but that has not been my experience with calling AirBnb.

Tiffany, with “ Hey, I’ve got an idea!” enthusiasm volunteered that, since I was within the 48 hour cancellation period, I could cancel & re-book - using the voucher. (No, I wouldn’t have come up with that on my own). She then volunteered to do it with (for) me and it was done in 3-4 minutes.

A few minutes later, I got one of those “we want to give you a gift!!!” emails— I know, I know it’s a tote bag or travel-size body wash— but add that to decent service, relatively few headaches (from my experiences), autonomy and getting paid on time, and that about buys my brand support.

But, I was a hard-working, happy public school teacher for years, so you know my expectations are quite low :grin:


I’m not sure what happened to my comment above…?

When you start a paragraph with an indention on this site it does that. I don’t know why but I reformatted your post.

Me too. It really makes us flexible and resourceful. And when it comes to dealing with people, few situations are more difficult than dealing with an angry parent.

My middle daughter had a great social studies teacher in middle school. She loved his class and was always telling me about the cool ways he taught. At the end of the school year, I wrote him a letter thanking him for being the highlight of my daughter’s school year (she generally didn’t like school that much).

He said he’d never had a letter of appreciation before from a parent in all his 30 years of teaching, it was always the parents bitching about something.