ReplyBnb - Tool that allows you to create your own response templates and have them available just when you need them

While Airbnb hosting is awesome, responding to inquiries with the same questions over and over again can get tedious. We found a really cool Chrome PlugIn called Replybnb that allows you to create custom response templates and just use them whenever you get inquiries or bookings from guests. Check it out here:

Here’s a little blurb from ReplyBnb about their plugin:

"Respond to Airbnb inquiries faster than lightning.
Hey! Thanks for checking out Replybnb!

We love Airbnb and we’ve been hosting in NYC since the beginning of time. Part of being an awesome host is replying to lots of guest pre-booking questions and inquiries on a daily basis.

Is your place available?

  • Yes.

Is NYC safe?

  • Yes, sort of.

How far away is your place from JFK?

  • It’s about half an hour via taxi.

Does your place have a bathroom?

  • Hmm yes :slight_smile:

Of course handling these questions is about as fun as watching the Most Boring Cat Video Ever. So we created Replybnb to make replying to guest inquiries quick and easy.

Replybnb allows you to create your own response templates and have them available just when you need them.

You can keep your templates private or share them with the Replybnb community and it’s all available for FREE."

Let us if you use the plugin and whether or not you like it!

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What a cool tool! Thank you for sharing