Refund - should I?

That’s a good policy, but an added step I guess if you have a cleaning fee.

That isn’t a problem - we just make a special offer.

Yeah, moving forward I think I will just do this, should I have to make a change prior to check-in. Special offer is no more trouble than a change request, on our end. A bit more hassle for the guest but oh well!

You could even do additional days direct, if you wish. We have no yet done so.

I have done this as well. Some people like to try before they buy (additional days, that is). Doesn’t always work out as I’m pretty well booked.

So far we have done additional days as additional stays. Basically for the simple and selfish reason - it gives us more happy reviews quickly, and we make a deal on the cleaning fee.

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Oh! Well there’s that! LOL. I hadn’t even considered it from that respect!