Questions that make me bite my tongue hard


Usually nothing good comes of scolding another adult about how and what they should and should not post. If the OP was publicly posting pics of her guests…I could better see your point. But she’s not.

Just keep in mind that not everyone has a spouse to be able to vent to and talk frustrations through. So be very grateful if you have someone else to lean on.


DO you have shared room? Selecting guests is a difficult issue, you really need to be a personality reader. I am always wrong in selecting process, i have no clue. Thats why i had IB for awhile.

I just appreciate blunt unbiased input and I strive to practice the same. I know we are all different. I guess it’s all in how you receive it. It was not meant to be mean. I find some people can be gracious when accepting guidance and others not so much, no matter what goodness was intended within. This board is an awesome site of information for new hosts like myself. I don’t get wrapped up in numbers like how I only have 14 reviews (so I probably don’t know much). I’ve never hosted anyone longer than 7 days. Numbers are just numbers and people get wrapped up around that stupidity. I strive to provide my customers the best experience and stay I can afford. I extend loyalty to strangers and friends alike until I see I should proceed differently. Once again, just my opinion and you did post it for all to comment (the post wasn’t closed). I spent years in hospitality and believe success and customer service begins from what you post, think, speak, etc. I don’t think it’s healthy to “vent on here & smile in my home” I try to be the same spirit with guests and friends alike. I think it’s just easier.


@Yana don’t understand the question ? Was it do I offer a shared room ?

@Izzy_MB I find the idea of never feeling frustration or indeed never expressing it unusual.

it’s entirely professional and indeed healthy that instead of bottling things up, I seek an safe supportive outlet for my frustrations that doesn’t involve taking it out on my guests. If that isn’t part of what this forum is about then what is it for ?

We’re all different. What is healthy for one is not always healthy for others. So… it’s good you don’t have these feelings but no point telling me not to have them. I do because that’s how I’m made.

PS I get where you’re coming from with your comment, I just don’t see things as that black and white. Thanks for sharing your point of view though it’s appreciated :slight_smile:


I assume that @Zandra’s guests were using hot tongs for hair styling.

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Thanks @EllenN yes tongs = hair straighteners/curlers

Yes you said you don’t have your space where you can close door

I live in one bedroom flat. Guests get the bedroom when they stay and I sleep on a shikibuton on the floor in the kitchen/living room (one corner of the room is the living room the other corner the kitchen). Pretty much my flat is three rooms; kitchen/living room, bedroom and bathroom. The bedroom is accessed via the living room.

I usually explain to guests that once the screens are up I prefer not to be disturbed but these guests have taken to shouting through the screen when they want something.

O wow, this is difficult for you then. No wonder you need a very understanding kind of guests.

Yep I need a very particular kind of guest for it to work namely one that hasn’t come to London for a few days to watch TV and stay indoors. Regretfully even though I say on my listing no TV and also that the listing isn’t suitable for people who wish to mooch, that’s what I’ve got with these guests. The fact that they’re indoors most of the day and interrupting with ridiculous questions make this really hard. My last guests left a five star review and were super happy. My prediction is that these guys are not enjoying themselves but it’s because they’ve chosen the wrong place to stay.

I will have to go back to reminding guests that it’s a small flat and not suitable for staying at home a lot at the point of booking.

I was a superhost for a year so I know this type of listing can work but it doesn’t mix so well with instant book if I’m honest.

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Which prompts me to ask; at what point can I just get on with my day? I usually refrain from doing anything but reading until my guests get up but here we are at 10.30 am and I’m itching to get on with things. I think 11.00 and I will just have to start lunch …

Just now a knock on the bathroom door as I’m having a shower. Hi Zandra can we use the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Me: no sorry… the kitchen is available until 11.00. So now even behind a locked door and under running water I am not safe.


Oh boy. I spent years and years in the hospitality/customer service industry, and in my experience it is extremely healthy to complain/confide…and then march right back out there to the customers with a big old smile on your face.

I loathed bosses who would say “now don’t complain because it spreads negativity to others…why aren’t you smiling?” - lol. Easy for the boss to say when they are making six figures, and I can’t even leave for five minutes to use the bathroom. No amount of “fake positivity” is going to make me feel happy if the situation isn’t genuinely happy.

And no…I am not a miserable, hateful person. But every time a person discounts their own feelings and doesn’t acknowledge them…it eats away at your soul a little bit each time you try to suppress how you feel.

I say…“Let it all out” in whatever way works for you!


Sorry you are stuck 3 more nights with these two. In my listing I say quiet time is 10pm to 6am and I expect the same from guests. If you have something similar then that’s when you can get on with your day. Here dogs sometimes bark while they are playing after we get up. Of course I don’t try to make noise but if noise is made it was disclosed in advance. You are probably already stuck with a mediocre review so stop allowing yourself to be put out.

Merry Christmas!


Aye. I’m resigned to the crap review.

I just got home to find that all but a few pieces of the organic fruit I had delivered yesterday has been eaten. Of a bunch of 6 bananas 2 remain and of 15 clementines 6 remain. That was meant to last a week. lol I’m not even going to say anything I just won’t replenish the fruit.

I’m looking forward to being asked about it in a day… to which I’ll say oh yes it’s delivered weekly and you ate it all in 2 days.

I can’t wait for review time.

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I’d hide the balance of the fruit.


Zandra i keep reading and i wonder, are you communicating very clearly to them what they can or cant do?
They seem to ask you endless questions that irritate you but if they a have a knowledge of the hours and how much they can eat why are they so incredibly idiotic? Are you sure they know?


Once it’s 9:00 A.M., I commence normal activities at a normal volume. I offer disposable earplugs for guests use. Most light sleepers can’t sleep late once regular neighborhood noise commences. I don’t vacuum unless I know guests are up. I try not to use the stand mixer, blender, etc. when guests are sleeping. If they are asleep at an unusual hour like 3:00 P.M. and I need to cook, I close the kitchen doors.

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I hate when anyone asks me questions while I’m in the bathroom. It is so self absorbed of people to think that whatever they need can’t wait a minute or two. I recently had a guest with whom I had this exchange while I was peeing.

Guest: What pan should I use to fry eggs?
Me: I use the nonstick pan because it’s easier to clean, but you may use whichever pan you like.
Guest: That’s what I thought, but I just wanted to make sure. Where is the nonstick pan?
Me: It is on the pan rack next to the stove. It is towards the back.

Folks, my pans all hang from a rack on the ceiling. They are not difficult to find. Plus, when there is a nonstick pan available, who would use a different one to fry eggs? As Alton Brown says, “Use a nonstick pan for eggs, because eggs aren’t.”

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While peeing?! Unbelievable!

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