Questions for hosts that supply a BBQ grill for guests

How many times do guests leave the propane on?
I have a wood deck, so my concern is hot charcoal falling on the deck.
What is the safest grill less than $200??? Is there something that I can buy to set the grill on to protect my deck? ** Not going to put it on grass. Thanks all!

Cmpipe, I purchased this grill at the Christmas tree store for $139. I didn’t want it on the deck so I placed it in the yard over a litttle boardwalk. So far it’s worked out quite well.


Looks great! What’s the brand? I have to run but will ck back. Thanks so much

I have found all my BBQ’s on facebook marketplace for my 4 properties, one was brand new and 25% of new price.

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It’s a Char-Broil grill. Lowes also sells them but if you sign up for the mailing list for the Christmas tree stores, they’ll send you a 20% coupon.

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If you decide to buy you can pick up a small grill for like smoke hollow And you could easy pick up an additional small fire extinguishers at the same time. If they want to use the grill option you charge them them $10 grill cleaning, $10 to use your charcoal.

WTF?!?! Why does “hollow” have a different and unrelated link from “smoke”? Please edit your post and fix that.

That Smoke Hollow grill is similar in size/feature to the one I offered except that the legs don’t fold up and it uses only disposable propane bottles. I think the disposable bottles are impractical, if not wasteful, but there is a potential upside that you can easily make the guests supply their own propane. I know there is an adapter hose that lets you attach a refillable propane bottle to a disposable bottle connection (I have one), so that grill is still viable if you want to use standard refillable bottles.

Collecting miscellaneous fees via Airbnb is awkward, especially after booking and after check-in.

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