Question from prospective host: What is the most painful part of being an Airbnb/VRBO/Homeaway host?

Deal! I am a whiz, I say whiz, at folding fitted sheets and making beds. :wink:

Then we need a video tutorial!


I have a friend from my Boston days who actually asked me to do that on a FB video. :scream_cat:

Yep!! My other bug bears are inconsiderate guests who generate enough rubbish to fill a commercial skip. (Iā€™ve had to get really tough with this one as rubbish disposal is difficult and hugely expensive here).

And the occasional twit guest who doesnā€™t let you know there is a problem, suddenly leaves an ā€˜out of the blueā€™ shitty review and youā€™re still in the dark about what went wrong - the latest one Iā€™ve got is ā€˜Read the fine printā€™ - thatā€™s it - and a three star review. So guests who just donā€™t read the listing and understand a house built in 1890 really get up my nose.

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