Question about amenties section in Airbnb listings

You could try a Roman blind

Interesting notion. But how do I attach velcro to the walls?

Most of my visitors have been foreign. So the internet is important for them, because often they don’t even have a working mobile phone. And are often in no hurry to obtain one.

Glue is you friend’s friend! And then you have screws. You’re in good company :slight_smile:

That is the whole point. Your phone doesn’t need to work in a specific company! The MiFi box is the connection and then you can connect any phone to the MiFi as a gateway to the cellular network that the MiFi is linked to.

Well, yes. As long as you carry the MiFi around with you. I don’t know if I’d want guests to do that.

I did a search for those. Since I’ve yet to have a guest complain about this, it’s low priority. If it was my own room, that would be a different story. But do you have these, and if so, how do they work for you?

You can get Velcro as an adhesive tape, then just stick them to the curtain edges and the wall.

Here’s a couple of videos I found that use velcro on such material:

(NB: My idea however was to velcro the bottom of the curtain)

That’s certainly easier than installing blinds. I’ll think about it. Thanks for the suggestions.

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But silverware? Really??? Utter madness IMHO. I do have EPNS cutlery but no way is this put out for guests.

What’s happened to the swift edit facility? I must have used it too often… Faheem, I have never seen this “facility” list. Silverware indeed. My Pseudo Tourettes is kicking in big style.

I don’t think that it literally means silver, or anything valuable. I think it just means cutlery. And I seem to recall ENPS is a British thing mostly, and stands for Electro Plated Nickel Silver.

It’s in the Amenities category, right at the top of the listing. You need to go to

Listings → Manage Listing

first, of course.

What’s Pseudo Tourettes?

Just a minute, if you tick the additional amenities they appear on your “listing details” but do not appear on the website listing.

My excuse for using expletives but not very correct of me to do so. It does however bring a smile to faces when I use it after coming out with bollox or worse… Google Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome. It’s a neuro developmental condition that has become more widely known in the last decade or so. We have the most brilliant comedian in the UK, Jess Thom, who has done so much to normalise the condition. I’m sure she’s all over You Tube.

Liking saying spineless ‘flaming’ or ‘flippin’ instead of the real thing eh!

I’m disappointed Airbnb doesn’t have the option to mention Goldware and Platinum items. It’s a shame my guests won’t know they’re going to be treated like royalty!


You don’t want vertical blinds because they also allow light to come in at the sides. I have those in my rental and the morning sun comes in on the side facing those in bed. They can be rotated the other way but people (including me) generally pull them in the “wrong” direction until they learn.

Also, if the breeze from the air-con catches the blinds and causes them to flutter, the sunlight comes in between the slats!

If I had the short curtains such as yours, Velcro would be my go-to solution also, although through everyday use, the tape would eventually pull away from the sill.

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Yes, some stuff is included, but other stuff isn’t. Which makes me wonder what the point is. The Accessibility section is included further down, though.

When I’ve seen blinds they’ve generally been horizontal ones. Blinds do keep out light better than curtains, if properly installed. But I think blinds in general are quite breakable, and it’s easy to get them into a tangle. Not ideal for a guest room.

Yes, if I stuck velcro to the wall tiles, it would eventually pull away. And probably sooner than later. But worth considering.

Humidity is rough on anything that “sticks.” Small finish nails could be used on the window surround, and the other bit can be sewn onto the fabric. That is what we did before velcro came with adhesive on the back.

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